AEW Dark Results: Andrade confronts former WWE star, Faction members have a disagreement, Jon Moxley and more (3rd August 2021)

AEW Dark Results (3rd August 2021)
AEW Dark Results (3rd August 2021)

Jack Evans (w/ H.F.O.) vs. PAC (w/ Lucha Brothers & Alex Abrahantes) on AEW Dark

Jack Evans got to the AEW ring doing a handstand while Private Party and Angelico grooved to TH2's music. Incredible imagery! PAC got a massive pop, and the former WWE star got some solid pyro as he made his way out for the match.

PAC rejected a lock-up offer and kicked Evans in the gut. Dragon Gate legend Masato Yoshino heavily inspired PAC and Evans, and this was a stylistic dream match on paper.

PAC enjoyed the early advantage with some swift kicks, and he even mocked Evans. Jack countered with a big-time high stack, followed by a hook kick and a prawn hold pinfall.

Evans swept PAC off his feet with a leg scissors move, followed by a modified Indian deathlock. The TH2 member transitioned between movements and sent PAC outside with a single-leg dropkick. PAC put the brakes on Evans and sent him crashing neck-first onto the apron.

H.F.O. and Lucha Bros almost came to blows as PAC punished Evans by ramming into the barricade. Evans got rolled back into the ring, and PAC scored a two-count from a lateral press.

PAC slowed the pace down and shoved his boot into Evans' face in the corner. He attacked Evans' back with a vicious hammer throw.

PAC attempted a suplex from the top turnbuckle, but Evans fought out with a few elbows. PAC suffered a terrible landing on the outside, and was given no respite as Evans came crashing down with a sky twister press. Evans from the heavens!

PAC somehow beat the ten count before Evans, and the action resumed inside the ring. Evans executed a huge flipping neckbreaker off the springboard for a near fall on AEW Dark.

PAC got back with a brutal lariat, putting all of his body into the strike. He got a near fall with a massive Liger bomb. The former WWE star positioned Evans near the corner for a top-rope move, but he missed a springboard knee.

Jack caught PAC with the reverse hurricanerana. PAC recuperated but almost lost the match in a backslide pinfall. Evans rocked PAC with a corkscrew roundhouse kick but wasted time on the top turnbuckle.

PAC swept Evans' legs and hit a nasty falling neckbreaker from the top. He wasn't done as PAC locked in the Brutalizer for the win on AEW Dark. Phenomenal match!

Result: PAC def. Jack Evans on AEW Dark

Grade: A

Andrade and Chavo Guerrero came walking out after the match. El Idolo and Chavo took off their coats and jumped on the apron, looking like they were ready to fight with Death Triangle.

Chavo advised his client to back off from the brawl as the heels were at a 2 to 3 disadvantage.

Red Velvet cut a backstage promo up next and talked about her goal to become the AEW Women's Champion.

Tay Conti vs. Kenzie Paige on AEW Dark

Tay Conti got a lot of love from the audience on AEW Dark as she approached the ring. The Brazilian star was universally liked, and Taz even called her one of his favorite female performers in the company.

Paige and Conti got the match underway with a classic collar and elbow tie-up. Both women exchanged pinfalls as Conti eventually used her core strength to power through to a dominant position.

Tay ate a thrust kick and a few forearm shimmers but reacted with a stiff back elbow. The stars were rocking one another with haymakers as the crowd loved the intensity.

Conti baited Paige into three Seoi Nages before slamming her head into the buckle pad. The former WWE star went to the top but avoided contact to come back with three thrust kicks.

Conti executed a gutbuster, amped up the audience, and finished the AEW Dark match with the DD-Tay.

Result: Tay Conti def. Kenzie Paige on AEW Dark

Grade: B

Shawn Dean & Fuego Del Sol vs. Shawn Spears & Wardlow on AEW Dark

Fuego Del Sol got a solid pop from the crowd along with Shawn Dean before the Pinnacle members made their entrance. Jake Hager joined the commentary booth to keep a close eye on Wardlow.

Shawn Spears mocked Del Sol in the early goings of the contest. 'The Chairman' used his power advantage to keep Del Sol grounded, but the luchador used his unorthodox offense to get back with a dropkick.

Shawn Dean came in and strung together a combo dropkick on Wardlow in an attempt to unsettle the big man. Wardlow caught Shawn Dean in mid-air and sent him into the barricade. Wardlow stopped Spears from using a chair, and the Pinnacle member entered the ring and planted Del Sol in the center with the C4.

Wardlow asked for the tag, and he looked Hager in the eye while delivering the F10 for the victory on AEW Dark.

Result: Shawn Spears & Wardlow def. Capt. Shawn Dean & Fuego Del Sol on AEW Dark

Grade: C

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