Ryda's new Kastov 74u build for Warzone 2 Season 2 Reloaded (Image via Sportskeeda)

Best Warzone 2 loadout for Kastov 74u in Season 2 Reloaded

Call of Duty Warzone 2 is live with its Season 2 Reloaded update. The patch brought several changes to the battle royale title and shifted the weapons meta slightly. The Kastov 74u is one of the best assault rifle guns (AR) in the title that can mow down enemies at close range.

The popular Warzone 2 player and content creator Ryda recently showcased his Kastov 74u build in a YouTube video. It is a competitive weapon choice for players willing to sacrifice damage range for agility and damage output. The Kastov 74u has maintained its position as a go-to AR throughout both seasons.


Let's take a closer look at Ryda’s Kastov 74u setup for Warzone 2.

Ryda recommends a new Kastov 74u build for Warzone 2 Season 2 Reloaded


Activision introduces weapon adjustments with almost every patch to level the playing field in Warzone 2. The development team considers metrics such as pick rate, kill-death ratio, and player feedback before implementing any changes. Among the various weapon categories, the assault rifle category is a top choice for medium-range gunfights.


The Kastov 74u is a competitive gun that can act as sniper support or even make its way to the primary slot of different loadouts. Players can utilize the advanced gunsmith platform to engineer builds that work well with their playstyle.

Kastov 74u weapon build


The Kastov 74u is a member of the Kastovia weapons platform and boasts a high damage output of 8 on headshots and 26 on the torso region. It has a fire rate of 652 Rounds Per Minute (RPM) and a sprint speed of 6.27 m/s. With the correct choice of attachments, players can capitalize on its strengths and make a formidable weapon.

Ryda suggests his Kastov 74u build to make the most out of it. Here is the complete build alongside all the pros and cons of all the attachments.

Recommended build:

  • Muzzle: RF Crown 50
  • Underbarrel: Phase-3 Grip
  • Laser: FSS OLE-V Laser
  • Stock: Otrezat Stock
  • Magazine: 45 Round Mag

Recommended tuning:

  • RF Crown 50: -0.36 vertical, +0.23 horizontal
  • Phase-3 Grip: -0.8 vertical, -0.09 horizontal
  • FSS OLE-V Laser: -0.5 vertical, -16.337 horizontal
  • Otrezat stock: -1.94 vertical, -1.16 horizontal

The RF Crown 50 increases horizontal and vertical recoil control but takes a toll on the overall Aim Down Sight (ADS) speed and aiming stability. The Phase-3 Grip underbarrel increases aiming idle stability, hip fire accuracy, and recoil stabilization. It reduces the walking speed and ADS speed slightly.

The FSS OLE-V laser attachment increases ADS speed, aiming stability, and sprint-to-fire speed. The only downside of this laser is that it becomes visible to enemies when used in ADS mode.

The Otrezat stock attachment boosts aim walking speed and sprint speed. However, it reduces the overall aiming stability of the weapon. The 45-round extended magazine is important for this build to engage in longer gunfights.

Ryda’s Kastov 74u build primarily focuses on boosting its performance in an SMG-like setup. It is important to note that this is not the fastest AR, and attachments can be swapped out if necessary. Stay tuned to Sportskeeda for the latest updates and more Warzone 2 weapon build guides.

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Edited by
Ashmita Bhatt
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