Black Clover may be soon giving Asta a new sword with real-world mythological roots

Asta could be getting his most powerful sword yet very soon (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Asta could be getting his most powerful sword yet very soon (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The latest Black Clover spoilers and raw scans saw Hino Country shogun Ryudo Ryuya finally unveil his Tengentsu ability in all its glory.

Almost immediately, fans recognized the specific tomoe used in the design, combined with the power’s heavenly nature, as a reference to the Yasakani no Magatama jewel of the Imperial Regalia of Japan.

With this revelation, Black Clover fans dove into the series’ past to see if either of the other two imperial regalia were referenced or included in the series. Fans have since deduced that Gauche Adlai’s mirror eye is a reference to yet another Imperial Regalia, this time referencing the Yata no Kagami mirror.

Now, with only the Kusanagi no Tsurugi sword missing from the series, fans are all but certain as to how this third Regalia-analog will be introduced. Fans are talking about why Black Clover may be setting up Asta to receive the in-series version of the Kusanagi no Tsurugi sword.

Black Clover set to fully complete Asta’s Hino Country training with introduction of new mythological sword for his use

When it first began, Black Clover fans were particularly excited about the Hino Country subarc for the possibility of real-world Japanese culture, tradition, and mythology being represented. While the Hino Country arc has delivered in so many more ways than this, it has exceptionally handled its rendition of the Japanese country for its in-series world.

The Tengentsu is a particularly exciting rendition of what fans have since deduced as being the series’ equivalent of the Yasakani no Magatama jewel of the Imperial Regalia of Japan. Representing benevolence, the connection to Ryuya’s character is clear, with his backstory being one of sacrificing his own ability to use magic for the good of his nation and its people.

With both the Magatama jewel and the Yata no Kagami mirror having analogs in author and illustrator Yuki Tabata’s Black Clover series, the third treasure’s representation seems certain. Additionally, there would be no one better to wield the Kusanagi no Tsurugi, also called the Grass-Cutting sword and representing valor, than Asta himself.

Valor is defined as being great and courageous in the face of danger, especially when in battle. For Asta, whose motto is to never give up no matter how strong an enemy or bleak a situation may seem, this matches him perfectly. Likewise, it would be the perfect way to cap off his training in Hino Country.

With his Zetten now perfected, the sword will likely be introduced as one which only Zetten masters with a plethora of magic could wield, likely due to it draining the magic of its user. With Asta not having any magic to drain, he could allow his Anti-Magic to flow into and throughout the sword, turning it into yet another weapon in his arsenal.

There’s also the mythological narrative parity that could be made by having Yami Ichika present Asta with the sword. In the myth of the sword’s inception, the god Susanoo gives the sword to the goddess Amaterasu to settle an old grievance.

If Ichika were to bestow the sword to Asta, it would be the ultimate settling of their differences, which Tabata clearly seems interested in doing based on the latest spoilers and raw scans.

Be sure to keep up with all Black Clover manga and film news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.

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