Every body Kenjaku has possessed so far in the Jujutsu Kaisen manga

Suguru Geto, the current host of Kenjaku, as seen in the series' anime (Image Credits: Gege Akutami/Shueisha, Viz Media, Jujutsu Kaisen)
Suguru Geto, the current host of Kenjaku, as seen in the series' anime (Image Credits: Gege Akutami/Shueisha, Viz Media, Jujutsu Kaisen)

One of the biggest mysteries currently in author Gege Akutami’s Jujutsu Kaisen manga is the man known as Kenjaku, and his true identity, motives, and goals. Kenjaku has made several appearances throughout the series in many different bodies, with his Cursed Technique allowing him to transplant his brain into the body of others to start life anew.

As a result, Jujutsu Kaisen fans have seen Kenjaku take many different forms throughout the manga, via flashbacks and in contemporary events. While many of these forms are currently sparse for information, they are still clearly the bodies of Kenjaku’s thanks to one trademark visual characteristic.

Here are all the bodies Kenjaku has possessed so far in the Jujutsu Kaisen manga.

Enigmatic Kenjaku has startling ties to Yuji thanks to one body he’s shown possessing in Jujutsu Kaisen manga

1) Suguru Geto

Geto seen in the series' anime after being taken over by Kenjaku (Image Credits: Gege Akutami/Shueisha, Viz Media, Jujutsu Kaisen)
Geto seen in the series' anime after being taken over by Kenjaku (Image Credits: Gege Akutami/Shueisha, Viz Media, Jujutsu Kaisen)

The rightful first entry on this list goes to Suguru Geto, a former Tokyo Jujutsu High student and former best friend of Satoru Gojo. Suguru Geto is the current host of Kenjaku, with Kenjaku having taken over Geto’s body over a year before the start of the mainline series.

Not much is known about the exact process of Kenjaku taking over Geto’s body, or anyone else’s for that matter. However, it is known that he took Geto’s body for himself after Gojo killed the latter following the events of Jujutsu Kaisen 0.

2) Noritoshi Kamo

Noritoshi Kamo is hailed as one of the most powerful sorcerers in the history of Jujutsu Kaisen’s world, being an ancestor of the contemporary Jujutsu High student of the same name. Unfortunately, he’s also regarded as being one of the most evil and is considered a stain on the Kamo family name.

This reputation is most likely due to his being possessed by Kenjaku, which the latter reveals to have happened at some point during Noritoshi’s life. It’s unknown if it was Noritoshi himself or Kenjaku who did this, but one of the two (while inhabiting Noritoshi’s body) apparently conducted research resulting in the birth of the Cursed Womb: Death Painting spirits.

3) Jin Itadori’s second partner

This Kenjaku possession is one of the most intriguing for fans, as it seems Kenjaku may have mothered Jujutsu Kaisen protagonist Yuji Itadori. Following the Shibuya Incident arc, and shortly after being captured by Yuta Okkotsu, Yuji seems to have a dream or vision about his father and grandfather.

Present in the vision is Jin Itadori and Wasuke Itadori, Yuji’s father and grandfather. It was revealed in the vision that Jin had a partner named Kaori who he didn’t have a child with, implying his second partner, present in the flashback, to be Yuji’s mother. However, this would mean that Kenjaku is Yuji’s mother, since the woman in the flashback has the same distinct forehead stitches Suguru Geto does after being possessed by Kenjaku.

4) Unknown ancient sorcerer

Finally, and most recently, manga fans learned that Kenjaku once inhabited an unknown ancient sorcerer’s body. It seems he used this body to make binding vows with ancient sorcerers in preparation for the eventual culling game, with Hajime Kashimo being one of these sorcerers.

Not much is known about this sorcerer, but it does show that there was at least one body inhabited by Kenjaku before he moved on to Noritoshi Kamo. Furthermore, it is likely meant to imply that many of the ancient sorcerers in the current culling game were brought into it by this ancient incarnation of Kenjaku.

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