My Hero Academia creator Horikoshi faces racist allegations following chapter 370 leaks

Spinner finds himself at the center of controversy following the latest manga leaks for the series (Image via bones Studio)
Spinner finds himself at the center of controversy following the latest manga leaks for the series (Image via bones Studio)

The Twitter section of the My Hero Academia fandom had some very choicest words to say to and about series author Kohei Horikoshi following the chapter 370 leaks.

The leaks see various Mutant-type Quirk users, led by Spinner, surround Rock Lock, a black-Japanese hero, and begin lecturing him about discrimination and how he’ll never understand it.

Despite My Hero Academia being set many years ahead in an alternate future, some fans were upset to see Horikoshi make such a choice, or even not realize what he was doing. That being said, many fans who took grievance with the issue claimed that Horikoshi must’ve realized what he was doing in this part of the chapter.

Follow along as this article fully breaks down why fans are taking issue with My Hero Academia’s author following the chapter 370 leaks, and exactly what the predominant reactions are.

My Hero Academia author in hot water with fans following interesting dialogue choices, conversation participants

What are the fan reactions to Kohei Horikoshi's alleged racism?

The leaks for My Hero Academia chapter 370 allege that the chapter will deal with some very serious and very real issues, such as racism and discrimination. This is primarily done through the backstory of League of Villains member and ally to All For One, Spinner.

Spinner has been one of the more highlighted Mutant-type Quirk users in the series, as far as characters established as villains are concerned. His Quirk is Gecko, granting him a reptilian appearance and the ability to cling onto walls and other sheer surfaces. Like many other Mutant-type Quirk users, Spinner is unable to “turn off” his Quirk, making his reptilian appearance a constant.

As is apparently revealed in My Hero Academia chapter 370, according to the leaks, Spinner faced a great deal of hate, discrimination, and racism growing up with his Quirk. Thus, he finds it within himself to gather up the various Mutant-type Quirk users surrounding them. All find kinship in each other as Spinner speaks of his experiences, which they have all gone through at some point.

This eventually leads into a mob surrounding the Heroes nearby, with one group led by Spinner approaching the black-Japanese hero, Rock Lock. The group begins shouting at him that he doesn’t understand what discrimination is like and what they’ve been through, charging him in the process.

Although the criticism has not been officially confirmed as the said chapter is not out yet, fans are still bashing My Hero Academia’s author for making such a choice. Many even assert that the choice made by Horikoshi was a conscious one. One fan pointed out that despite the futuristic setting of the world, the general discrimination that those of African descent faced doesn’t “magically disappear.”

Others shared a similar sentiment, with many saying that Horikoshi most definitely knew what he was doing in this scene. Indeed, it does beg the question of why Horikoshi specifically chose Rock Lock to have this be said to. Furthermore, if the choice wasn’t a conscious one, it begs the question of how Horikoshi could possibly not have realized.

Like many of the beloved series' developments lately, fans are not of the same opinion regarding the alleged events of chapter 370. Some are actually praising Horikoshi’s choices in the issue, in everything from topics of discrimination to the choice of Rock Lock. It is certainly the latest in a number of divisive topics for My Hero Academia fans over the last few weeks.

Follow along for more My Hero Academia anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news, as 2022 progresses.

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