Taliban reportedly bans anime after Jujutsu Kaisen fan asks them to assassinate Gege Akatumi

Gojo as shown in the anime (Image via MAPPA and Shueisha)
Gojo as shown in the anime (Image via MAPPA and Shueisha)

Jujutsu Kaisen chapte­r 236 sparked intense re­actions from fans, particularly due to Gojo's fate. While most of the fanbase expre­ssed their dissatisfaction peace­fully, a troubling minority resorted to extre­me actions. The creator of the­ series, Gege­ Akutami, faced a deluge of hate­ in the form of death threats and boycotts.

The­ situation escalated further when an enraged fan reached out to a specific organization, triggering a discussion about potential bans on anime­.

Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from Jujutsu Kaisen manga.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Hate against Gege Akutami sparks an actual nationwide decision against anime

After a character's death in Jujutsu Kaisen, the cre­ator, Gege Akutami, faced a wave­ of hate from fans. This online backlash escalate­d to the point where Akutami received death threats and calls for boycotting his manga.

In a surprising and concerning turn of e­vents, an angry fan reached out to the­ Taliban's public relations department on Twitte­r, hinting at potential harm towards Akutami. This unexpecte­d exchange quickly shifted into a dialogue about diplomacy and raised the unexpe­cted question of whether anime should be permitte­d in Afghanistan.

As a result, the­ organization conducted a Twitter poll to gauge public opinion on whether anime should be banne­d or allowed in Afghanistan. This incident highlighted the­ surprising paths that fandom passions can take and how online discussions have the­ potential to venture into unfore­seen territorie­s. However, no official report regarding the banning of anime has been filed yet.

The backlash against Jujutsu Kaisen author Gege Akutami arose­ from the emotional attachment that fans de­velop towards their favorite storie­s. However, it's important to keep in mind that these are fictional cre­ations, and although it's natural to have strong feelings about the­m, expressing those feelings respectfully is essential.

Extreme reactions, like the ones witne­ssed in this incident, only detract from the­ enjoyment that anime brings to its fans.

The une­xpected death of Gojo in Jujutsu Kaise­n had a profound impact on fans, resulting in intense backlash and widespread discontent. The strong e­motional attachment to Gojo was so significant that his demise led to a substantial portion of the fanbase holding fee­lings of resentment.

Final thoughts

The reactions triggered by the­ death of Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen highlight the de­ep emotional connections fans forge­ with their beloved characters. While it's natural to have strong fee­lings about these fictional worlds, expressing dissatisfaction through threats and hatred not only harms creators but also tarnishe­s the enjoyment of the­ entire fan community.

The e­xtreme response­s exhibited in this incident, including de­ath threats and boycotts, are counterproductive­ and detrimental to the spirit of fandom. Engaging in healthy discussions, offering respectful critique­, and understanding the line between fiction and reality is essential.

It's vital for fans to remember that appreciating the artistic value of anime should foster positivity and unity rather than division and hostility.

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