Implementing effective methods to reduce recoil in Apex Legends will help you win numerous matches. In the game, where each gun has a different recoil pattern, not knowing the best ways to negate it can oftentimes lead to defeat. While new players, or even veterans, may not be able to memorize the recoil patterns for every weapon, there are certain tricks you can use to negate it.
Listed below are some of the best ways to reduce recoil in Apex Legends, which will help you win the majority of your gun fights.
Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
Increasing FOV, strafing, and other methods to reduce recoil in Apex Legends
1) Increasing your FOV
While increasing your FOV in Apex Legends doesn't realistically reduce your weapon's recoil, it provides a major difference of perception in-game. If you are in the habit of playing with your FOV between 70 and 90, you should turn it up to anywhere between 103 and 110.
With increased FOV settings, your weapon model will give you the perception of having a reduced screen shake when shooting. Zooming out makes it significantly easier to control a weapon's recoil in Apex Legends.
2) Strafing
Strafing is one of the best ways to reduce recoil in Apex Legends, which has a hidden mechanic that negates your entire recoil as you do so. The act is as simple as it sounds; you just have to strafe as you shoot.
Press 'A' or 'D' as you shoot to move left and right. While shooting, you'll notice the weapon's spray patterns tighten up. It's almost a cheat code to winning every single close to medium-range encounter.
3) Jitter aiming
The idea of jitter aiming required you to move your first-person camera rapidly. This mechanic completely cancels out your recoil, allowing you to spray bullets with zero recoil. When you implement these micro-movements of your cursor or aim reticle while shooting, the game recognizes it as perfectly following the recoil script, allowing you to laser your opponents.
You should primarily use jitter aiming with high horizontal recoil assault rifles and SMGs, such as the Havoc, C.A.R. SMG, R-99 SMG, or even the Flatline AR.
Disclaimer: Jitter aiming is one of the best methods to reduce recoil in Apex Legends. However, it comes with its own drawbacks, and one of its major problems is risking wrist injury. If you plan on using this mechanic, please exercise due care and caution.
4) Pulling down while aiming
Other than certain high-recoil weapons, such as the Flatline, Havoc, or R-99 SMG, most weapons have a vertical recoil kick. A simple means to reduce recoil in Apex Legends is to pull down.
Merely pulling down as you spray with your gun will negate the majority of your weapon's recoil. This mechanic works for players using controllers or PC players, allowing them to thrive in close-mid-range encounters. As for long-range engagements, you are better off tap-firing at the enemies instead of spraying them down.
5) Learn recoil patterns
The best method to reduce recoil in Apex Legends is to learn the recoil pattern of every weapon. However, this process is extremely time-consuming and cannot be achieved in a short span of time.
Before every game, spend 15-20 minutes to practice spraying down with multiple weapons. In the long run, as you dedicate time and effort to learning the recoil patterns, you will see the difference in your combat abilities when dueling against enemy players.
For more Apex Legends guides, check the links below:
Wraith guide II Octane guide II Wattson guide II Best AimLabs routines for Apex Legends
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