5 best support champions for Caitlyn to pair with in League of Legends

Best support champions to pair with Caitlyn in League (Images via Riot Games - League of Legends)
Best support champions to pair with Caitlyn in League (Images via Riot Games - League of Legends)

Finding the best support champions for Caitlyn to pair with can be quite detrimental to opponents in League of Legends. Since her debut in the game in 2011, Caitlyn has been one of the game's most well-liked ADCs. Caitlyn has a ton of great support combinations that play to her abilities, but none can work with Piltover's sharpshooter and the champions listed below.

Here are the ideal support champions for Caitlyn in League of Legends.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

Top 5 best support champions for Caitlyn To give them a boost in League Of Legends

5) Thresh

Thresh, The Chain Warden (Image via Riot Games)
Thresh, The Chain Warden (Image via Riot Games)

In League of Legends, Thresh greatly supports practically any ADC, but Caitlyn benefits most from his support. The two have some of the strongest synergies when they can CC opponents for extended periods. The opponents will be trapped for a long time if Thresh only needs to land a Death Sentence (Q) paired with a strategically placed Yordle Snap Trap.

This support duo is different since Thresh plays more aggressively and can disengage with Flay (E), Dark Passage (W), and The Box (R). This implies that while you won't have a support partner to assist you in taking out enemies before they engage, you will have a lot more CC over the battle.

This lane combination is also slightly less vulnerable to ganks from the opposing jungler. Additionally, Thresh's ultimate ability greatly disengages or slows his opponents.

Most Thresh players take the Glacial Augmented Keystone. It grants an additional slow for a brief period when a CC ability is landed. But players should be aware that this effect has a 25-second cooldown.

4) Morgana

Morgana, The Fallen (Image via Riot Games)
Morgana, The Fallen (Image via Riot Games)

When utilized effectively, Morgana is one of the prominent support champions for Caitlyn. An oppressive poke lane is created for opponents by combining Caitlyn's wide attack range, the Piltover Peacemaker (Q) skill, and Morgana's Tormented Shadow (W).

This ADC and support combination stands out when combined with Caitlyn's Yordle Snap Trap (W) and Morgana's Dark Binding (Q). As all the poke damage the combo will be dealing with, a kill will inevitably happen with just one Dark Binding from the support and a perfectly timed Yordle Snap Trap.

Depending on the tier of Morgana's Dark Binding, this nasty ability combination will keep her opponent immobilized for 2.5 to 3.5 seconds. For an additional 1.5 seconds of root, players can even combine this with Morgana's Soul Shackles (R).

The pair also have Morgana's Black Shield (E), which, when used strategically, can be the ideal defense for Caitlyn. It's quite important for Caitlyn because if she gets caught in CC, it will be the end for the squishy ADC. These abilities make Morgana one of the best support champions for Caitlyn.

3) Lux

Lux, The Lady of Luminosity (Image via Riot Games )
Lux, The Lady of Luminosity (Image via Riot Games )

Lux can be one of the best support champions for Caitlyn, and they are one of League of Legends' most dangerous poke bot lanes. The pair are the epitome of a glass cannon, giving up mobility and disengagement due to unrelenting strength and ferocity.

This lane's objective is comparable to that of the Morgana support pairing. With the help of Lux's Lucent Singularity (E) and Piltover Peacemaker (E), players should be able to knock down enemies. Once their health bars are sufficiently low, all it takes is one Light Binding (Q) from support.

The bot lane combo gets even more deadly once Caitlyn and Lux reach level six and receive their ults. On Caitlyn, one is free to relax, and last-hit creeps while Lux takes out enemies and searches for the ideal Light Binding. These aspects makes her one of the strongest support champions for Caitlyn.

Once one does connect, all that is left to do is set up a Yordle Snap Trap and unleash a Piltover Peacemaker. With her Final Spark (R), Lux will complete the task. If the victim survives, Ace in the Hole (R) will need to be used for the finishing move.

2) Leona

Leona, The Radiant Dawn (Image via Riot Games)
Leona, The Radiant Dawn (Image via Riot Games)

In League of Legends, Leona is one of the best support champions for Caitlyn, who performs similarly to Thresh. She is also quite popular among League of Legends support players in the current meta.

The combo's laning phase consists of waiting for Leona to use her Zenith Blade (E) before Caitlyn sets up a Yordle Snap Trap on the victim. Leona uses the shield of Daybreak (Q) to stun the opponent for one second, triggering the trap's 1.5-second root duration.

Furthermore, if Leona has her Solar Flare (R) prepared, they shatter the target for an additional 1.75 seconds of CC. However, this support option is a little riskier than Thresh because it exhausts much utility and disengages for pure CC.

1) Lulu

Lulu, The Fae Sorceress (Image via Riot Games)
Lulu, The Fae Sorceress (Image via Riot Games)

League of Legends' Fae Sorceress is very different from the other champions on the list. Lulu is one of the most selected support champions for Caitlyn. When partnered with Caitlyn or any other prominent ADCs in the game, it's hard to go wrong with this enchantress, even though she offers no strong CC (apart from the brief knock-up from her ultimate ability).

Most of Lulu's abilities are geared at keeping her carry alive and giving them as many benefits as possible. Lulu's initial ability, Help, Pix! (E), which grants the targeted ally a shield for 2.5 seconds, enabling her to keep Caitlyn healthy.

Lulu's Whimsy (W) ability is a great all-purpose weapon that may be used on allies or enemies to grant them increased attack and movement speed for up to four seconds while polymorphing them for up to two seconds.

Last but not least, Lulu's ultimate ability, Wild Growth (R), knocks down all enemies nearby and grants the user of the ability a significant amount of additional health for seven seconds.

Although Caitlyn was nerfed during League of Legends Patch 13.21, if players use the best support champions for Caitlyn, she is still one of the most prominent ADCs in 2024. Many professional ADCs across the world favor her due to her exceptional laning capability, which allows her to become a powerful force.

Many players favor Caitlyn to avoid altogether relying on their support teammates, preferring to hold their adversaries at bay with expert kitting and strategic Yordle Snap Trap placements to 1v2 their bot lane rivals in style. But when paired with the best support champions for Caitlyn, she may transform into one of League of Legends' most deadly champions if teamed with the right support.

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