5 most popular champions at League of Legends Mid Season Invitational 2022 so far

Champions with the highest priority at MSI 2022 (Image via League of Legends)
Champions with the highest priority at MSI 2022 (Image via League of Legends)

League of Legends Mid Season Invitational 2022 started a few days back. As such, there have been a lot of changes in relation to champion popularity and meta.

Certain champions who were first pick or ban priority back in April have gone missing with new, with much stronger picks taking their place. These new picks are definitely a breath of fresh air and fans seem to be having a lot more fun with the same.

This article provides a list of all the champions who are the most popular so far in each position. It is unknown whether the same picks will be preferred once the rumble stage starts, but considering the patch, they might remain relevant throughout League of Legends MSI 2022.

Every champion that has been the most popular amongst pros at League of Legends MSI 2022

Note: Stats mentioned are based on the first three days of MSI 2022

1.Gwen (top)

Gwen's buffs have made her very strong at MSI 2022 (Image via League of Legends)
Gwen's buffs have made her very strong at MSI 2022 (Image via League of Legends)

Gwen is a champion who used to be extremely strong back in season 11. However, she received multiple nerfs, which damaged the overall viability of the champion.

Fortunately, in patch 12.7, Gwen got two small buffs for the top lane. These two buffs seem to have skyrocketed her presence and it seems to have made her extremely viable.

The thing that makes Gwen so strong is her immunity, where she can go invulnerable for a few seconds. However, at the same time, her damage is excessively high and there are very few champions who can duel against her in the lane.

Apart from that, her strength scales the longer the game goes, which further catapults her viability. As of MSI 2022, Gwen has a 78% presence rate (7 picks and 2 bans) and a 78% winrate as well.

2. Wukong (Jungle)

Wukong's ability to snowball games has made him a powerful jungle pick (Image via League of Legends)
Wukong's ability to snowball games has made him a powerful jungle pick (Image via League of Legends)

Amongst all the popular jungle champions like Viego and Lee Sin, MSI 2022 seems to have shown a newfound love for Wukong. This is a champion that many predicted to become popular as he received major buffs in patch 12.7.

However, no one expected him to overtake the other popular picks. The thing that makes Wukong so strong is his massive armor. He is a champion who loves to be ahead and once he has the lead, no one can stop him.

Apart from that, he is an extremely powerful fighter and early game skirmishes in the enemy jungle or midlane become easy with Wukong. Diving towers is also quite easy with this champion on account of his W ability where he can go invisible for a second and create a decoy copy.

As of MSI 2022, Wukong has a 78% presence rate (6 picks and 8 bans) with a 50% win rate.

3. Ahri (midlane)

Ahri's rework stands strong as she continues her presence in the midlane (Image via League of Legends)
Ahri's rework stands strong as she continues her presence in the midlane (Image via League of Legends)

Ahri's presence in the midlane was sort of expected as this is the lane that has received the least changes in the past two patches. Apart from that, there are very few champions who have such high mobility along with super high damage.

The only other midlaner who can do the same in LeBlanc, however, Ahri seems to be a bit more preferred when compared to the former amongst pro players. As of MSI 2022, Ahri has 100% presence rate (7 picks and 11 bans) with a massive 86% win rate.

It seems the rework for Ahri was game changing and considering the fact that she can impact the game right from level 6, is what makes her presence so much stronger.

4. Lucian (Botlane)

Lucian has grown quite a lot in botlane after nerfs to Jinx and Xayah (Image via League of Legends)
Lucian has grown quite a lot in botlane after nerfs to Jinx and Xayah (Image via League of Legends)

Botlane is probably the one place that has received the most changes in terms of meta. Jinx and Xayah have disappeared from player preferences. Instead, the champion who seems to have the strongest lane presence is Lucian.

Lucian's mobility, damage and his combination with Nami is absolutely brutal. If fans want a good example of how good Lucian is, they should definitely watch Gala's pentakill against Red Canids on May 12, 2022.

Currently, the Galeforce and Collector build seems to be the most popular as it enhances the aggressive playstyle and provides a lot of value in the early-mid game.

As of MSI 2022, Lucian has 100% presence rate (4 picks and 14 bans) and a 100% winrate.

5. Renata (Support)

Renata seems to be the most stable considering the support role is so volatile (Image via League of Legends)
Renata seems to be the most stable considering the support role is so volatile (Image via League of Legends)

The support role is the one that is the most confusing as of now. Even though, Nautilus has the highest pickrate (78%), his winrate is abysmal (10%). In truth, the most balanced support as of now is none other than Renata Glasc.

She can protect her allies, revive them, enhance attack speed and also turn enemies against themselves in a fight. In short, Renata does everything that a player can ask for.

As of League of Legends MSI 2022, she has a 56% presence rate (5 wins and 5 bans) and a total of 60% winrate. These stats are quite good considering the volatility of the support role in the tournament. Renata also functions well with current meta ADC's like Aphelios and Lucian.

It is tough to say what players are trying out in scrims or whether players are simply experimenting to find out what works the best. In any case, it is safe to say that as the tournament progresses, it will be interesting to see how this particular role evolves.

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