7 most used Genshin Impact characters in V2.6 Spiral Abyss (May 2022)

Most used characters in 2.6 Spiral Abyss in May 2022 (Image via Genshin Impact)
Most used characters in 2.6 Spiral Abyss in May 2022 (Image via Genshin Impact)

The Spiral Abyss of Genshin Impact 2.6 can be cleared with 36 stars if players use the right characters.

With the official announcement of the patch 2.7 update and its maintenance break, it is high time Travelers attempt to clear the current Spiral Abyss before it resets.

Spiral Abyss is an inexhaustible source for obtaining a consistent amount of Primogems every time it resets. Hence, players should not let this opportunity pass away when Primogems are on the line.

With every change in Spiral Abyss, some characters will excel more than others. The following will showcase the seven most used characters used by the community to clear the Spiral Abyss in Genshin Impact.

Note: The article is based on the data retrieved from SpiralAbyss.org.

Genshin Impact: Top seven most used characters, including Kazuha, Venti and more in Spiral Abyss

7) Ganyu (83.1%)

Ganyu is a great Cryo DPS to use in current Spiral Abyss (Image via Genshin Impact)
Ganyu is a great Cryo DPS to use in current Spiral Abyss (Image via Genshin Impact)

Ganyu is one of the best Cryo DPS in Genshin Impact rosters. Her massive AoE elemental burst makes her an excellent fit for permafreeze teams. The current Spiral Abyss has a few chambers with tons of mobs where the permafreeze can shine.

Since the current enemy lineup also lacks Cryo-resistant enemies, Ganyu and her team compositions are a great alternative, and players will have little to nothing to worry about.

6) Xingqiu (84.4%)

Xingqiu has been excellent Hydro support for powerful teams in Spiral Abyss. His elemental skills and bursts have a fast Hydro application that is extremely powerful and allows other characters to trigger several reactions.

Despite being a 4-star character, he has easily made his spot on the most powerful meta teams used by the community. As a 4-star character, players also have an easy time collecting his constellations.

5) Bennett (86.8%)

Bennett provide exceptional amount of support in Spiral Abyss (Image via Genshin Impact)
Bennett provide exceptional amount of support in Spiral Abyss (Image via Genshin Impact)

It is not possible to mention Bennett in the list after mentioning Xingiqu. Both are exceptional characters that provide great support to teams as 4-star characters.

The amount of support Bennett can provide is so remarkable that the majority of the players in the community even call him "broken" or a "6-star" character.

Bennett is a jack of all trades that can supply powerful buffs, healing, and Pyro applications. The low cooldown on his abilities also makes him spammable, making him irreplaceable.

4) Ayaka (92.5%)

Kamisato Ayaka is the current best Cryo unit in the game and has taken over Ganyu's place in permafreeze teams.

Her exceptional kit allows Ayaka to cover a lot of distance with her alternative sprint. Ayaka's Cryo application is fast and effortless with her elemental skills, which have a good AoE range to catch enemies off-guard.

Although Ayaka's Burst takes getting used to, her Elemental Burst has an insane multiplier that deals huge damage to enemies caught in its AoE.

3) Venti (92.9%)

Venti can wash the Floors with his CC abilities (Image via Genshin Impact)
Venti can wash the Floors with his CC abilities (Image via Genshin Impact)

Venti, the Anemo Archon, is often compared to the latest Anemo character Kazuha as both are great characters that excel at crowd control.

However, players will have a much easier time with Venti with the current 2.6 Spiral Abyss in Genshin Impact. The current floor favors crowd control characters. Venti and his Elemental Burst can pull all mob-type enemies into one place to deal damage and save time.

Lucky players with both Venti and Kazuha can have both in different teams to easily breeze through the floors using crowd control abilities.

2) Kokomi (93.4%)

Healers play an important role for inexperienced players in Genshin Impact, and Sangonomiya Kokomi is arguably the best healer released. She also has her great AoE Hydro application that is very useful to deal damage while healing her party members.

Kokomi is flexible enough to be used as an off-field and on-field healer and hydro enabler.

This makes it easy for players to fit her in strong teams where she can provide tons of value with her utility. She also has a taunt that ensures that the on-field characters can focus on dealing damage.

1) Kazuha (98.5%)

Kazuha has been off-the-charts since his release (Image via Genshin Impact)
Kazuha has been off-the-charts since his release (Image via Genshin Impact)

Kaedehara Kazuha is currently the most used character by players who have him, according to global statistics. His entire kit screams crowd control, and players can efficiently infuse elements into enemies and trigger multiple reactions.

His abilities and passive provide great utility both on and off the field, making him a consistent pick in every possible meta team.

His swirl reactions have excellent synergy with other top-tier characters as well. Kazuha lacks in terms of crowd control when compared to Venti but makes up for it with damage.

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