A complete guide to mastering Akshan in Wild Rift Season 3

 Image via Riot Games
Image via Riot Games

With Akshan, Wild Rift's newest champion, going live on the servers, fans finally have their hands on the "charming marksman" to swing around in Summoner's Rift.

"The Rogue Sentinel" is the first champion released in WIld Rift season 3. Riot Games revealed Akshan's first look a month earlier through an exclusive Treasure Hunt puzzle on their official League of Legends website. He also became the first champion to make his debut in four Riot titles related to the universe of Runeterra during the same event.

Akshan's Wild Rift ability kit was officially released a few days before the reveal of patch notes 2.4. Equipped with Shadya's holy relic weapon, Akshan swung in to defend Runeterra against the threats of Viego's ruination, using his versatile skills and his unreal mobility.

Wild Rift's Rogue Sentinel is a strong mid-lane marksman who, according to developers, would solve both the purpose of adding a unique champion to the roster and providing an appealing option to mid-lane skirmishers.

Fans are certain about the overpowering nature of Akshan considering his ability kit. The following is a complete guide for Akshan in Wild Rift featuring his best build and even some tips to use him at his best.

Abilities, runes and build items of Akshan in Wild Rift

Akshan in Wild Rift (Image via Riot Games)
Akshan in Wild Rift (Image via Riot Games)

Ability breakdown

Passive - Dirty Fighting

Akshan's Passive (Image via Riot Games - Wild Rift)
Akshan's Passive (Image via Riot Games - Wild Rift)

Every three hits from Akshan's attacks and abilities deal an additional 103 magic damage. If the target turns out to be an opponent champion, Akshan manages to attain a temporary shield that absorbs 250 damage (170+40% bonus) for 2 seconds. The cooldown count is 8 seconds.

After triggering an attack, Akshan launches a second shot that deals 140 physical damage (50%). He can also cancel the shot to gain 60 Movement Speed decaying over 1 second.

Ability 1 - Avengerang

Akshan's Avengerang (Image via Riot Games)
Akshan's Avengerang (Image via Riot Games)

Akshan throws a boomerang that deals 254 physical damage (30+80%) to his opponent. The range of the boomerang increases every time it hits an enemy. Champion hits grant the Rogue Sentinel 40% Movement Speed decaying over 1 second. Avengerang also deals 60% damage to minions.

Ability 2 - Going Rogue

Akshan's Going Rogue (Image via Riot Games)
Akshan's Going Rogue (Image via Riot Games)

Going Rogue is that one ability of Akshan that separates him from the other Wild Rift marksmen.

Passive: Enemies that kill allied champions become scoundrels for 40 seconds. When Akshan takes down a scoundrel during a match, he gains 100 gold and revives the slain allies.

Active: Akshan becomes camouflaged for 1.75 seconds and gains 100% Movement Speed toward scoundrels. The duration of holding this ability is timeless if Akshan is near terrain or bush.

Ability 3 - Heroic Swing

Akshan's Heroic Swing (Image via Riot Games)
Akshan's Heroic Swing (Image via Riot Games)

Akshan fires a hook to attach and swing around terrain, attacking the nearest enemy for 100 physical damage (70+15% bonus) per shot. If Akshan collides with an enemy champion while swinging, he jumps off the rope.

Champion takedowns refresh this ability's cooldown and prioritize champions recently damaged by Akshan. The on-hit effects deal 25% damage.

Ability 4 (Ultimate) - Comeuppance

Akshan's Comeuppance (Image via Riot Games)
Akshan's Comeuppance (Image via Riot Games)

Akshan locks onto an enemy champion, charging 6 shots over 3 seconds. While recasting, the Rogue Sentinel fires shots at opponents dealing 62 physical damage (25+12.5%) to the first enemy of a structure hit. It gets increased up to 246 physical damage (100+50%) based on the target's missing health.

Rune and spell options recommended for Akshan in Wild Rift

Akshan can be ornamented with a huge variety of rune options considering his highly versatile ability kit. Conqueror is the perfect keystone for him while he pushes the mid lane. It triggers successful skill combos and trades, dealing bonus damage to affected enemies and increasing his burst damage.

Runes like Vampirism, Adaptive Carapase and Hunt are also effective as they provide Akshan with bonus ability haste, HP and damages. While Akshan’s abilities and traits mostly define him as a marksman champion, his main role is an assassin in the mid lane instead of the bot lane, as both his summoner spells give him tools to move around, rotate and delete enemy champions.

The Rune options for Akshan in Wild Rift are:

  • Conqueror
  • Hunter - Vampirism
  • Adaptive Carapace
  • Hunter - Genius

The Spell options for Akshan in Wild Rift are:

  • Flash
  • Ignite

Standard build item choices

Akshan's build items are mainly directed toward intensifying Attack Damage and Critical Strikes. Akshan's item options are as follows:

  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • Gluttonous Greaves
  • Infinity Edge
  • Bloodthirster
  • Guardian Angel

Additionally, either one of Mortal Reminder, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Maw of Malmortius, Rapid Firecannon and Runaan’s Hurricane can be used as Akshan's last item.

Playing tips for Akshan players in Wild Rift

Image via Riot Games
Image via Riot Games

In order to exploit Akshan's potential perfectly, it requires a Wild Rift player to focus on each and every minute detail surrounding the champion. While using Avengerang, the waves of minions and groups of enemy champions in skirmishes can be used as advantages in Akshan's gameplay.


His passive ability of Going Rogue is one of the most essential tools in the game where the Rogue Sentinel can rescue and heal his allies. Thus, it must be utilized strategically and conditionally. Akshan's third and most controversial ability, Heroic Swing, allows a player to reach any enemy champion around a convincing range, even if it is out of Akshan's vision range. It also allows him to get out of any dangerous situation around.

The Heroic Swing ability must be situational and requires good practice and expertise. Any unnecessary duels with melees should be avoided as Akshan's escape window could be limited. As a flexible champion, Akshan can jump into teamfights out of nowhere without his Wild Rift opponents expecting him or being able to respond quickly.

Thus, for players looking for an assassin possessing fighting, utility as well as survival qualities, there could be no better option than the Rogue Sentinel, Akshan.

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