Best Modern Warfare 2 loadout for Fennec after Season 1 Reloaded Update

Modern Warfare 2 Fennec best build (Image via Sportskeeda)
Modern Warfare 2 Fennec best build (Image via Sportskeeda)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was released in October 2022 as Activision’s latest campaign multiplayer title. Many weapons from the previous Call of Duty titles were reintroduced into the game to preserve familiarity for seasoned franchise players.

Most players tend to use popular weapons that dominate the meta and equip them with the best possible build to capitalize on their strengths. While there is no inherent fault in following this trend, many other capable weapons in the same class are often overlooked.

The Fennec is a weapon that has shown great potential in-game and can be used to quickly eliminate enemy operators on the map. This article takes a look at the most effective weapon build for it in Modern Warfare 2.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinions of the writer

The best Fennec best build in Modern Warfare 2 focuses on increasing the weapon's mobility and balancing its aggressive recoil kick


A total of 10 weapon classes are shared between Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2. With the help of an advanced weapon modification platform, players can explore new builds and repurpose weapons for different scenarios.

The Sub Machine Gun weapon class is full of options that pack excellent overall damage output. However, their main strength lies in the high fire rates. These weapons are great to use in close-quarter gunfights as they can shred enemies in mere seconds.

Fennec weapon build


The Fennec belongs to the Sub Machine Gun weapon class and hails from a specific Fennec platform that allows players to progress through levels and unlock different attachments. It is a fast weapon that offers apt movement speed and damage output, mostly at close range.

With the right attachments, players can use the Fennec to dominate several multiplayer lobbies with ease.

Recommended build:

  • Muzzle: Lockshot KT85
  • Laser: VLK LZR 7mW
  • Underbarrel: Phase-33 Grip
  • Magazine: Fennec Mag 45
  • Rear Grip: Fennec Rubber Grip

The Lockshot KT85 muzzle increases both vertical and horizontal recoil control. However, it takes a small toll on the Aim Down Sight (ADS) speed and aiming stability of the weapon.

The VLK LZR 7mW laser is a great attachment as it increases ADS speed, sprint-to-fire speed, and aiming stability of the weapon while offsetting the cons of the muzzle. Meanwhile, the Phase-3 Grip increases hip fire accuracy, recoil stabilization, and aiming stability with the weapon in hand.

The Fennec Mag 45 reduces the number of reloads the weapon requires and allows players to get multiple frags with the same magazine. The Fennec Rubber Grip, on the other hand, boosts the ADS speed and sprint-to-fire speed of the weapon.


This Fennec Sub Machine Gun build in Modern Warfare 2 is focused on increasing the weapon's mobility and balancing its aggressive recoil kick. Players can swap out the extended magazine for another attachment slot, as it remains subject to personal preference.

Stay tuned to Sportskeeda for the latest updates and more weapon build guides as we closely follow all the stories around Activision.

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