Destiny 2 K1 Crew Quarters guide (January 31): Gyrfalcon's Hauberk, other loots, modifiers, and more  

K1 Crew Quarters (Image via Destiny 2)
K1 Crew Quarters (Image via Destiny 2)

The last weekly reset in January brought forth the K1 Crew Quarters Lost Sector in Destiny 2. Anyone still missing chest pieces in their class load-outs will want to give this sector a run, as completing either of the two available difficulties can drop Exotic gears. However, it isn't the easiest in the game, especially with Master difficulty.

The following article will guide you through the K1 Crew Quarters Lost Sector on the Moon and how to quickly complete it with the greatest difficulty. Since Exotic chest pieces are one of the most viable pieces of gear in a player's load-out, now is the time to fill in any remaining gaps within the Collection.

Disclaimer: This article is subjective and relies solely on the writer's opinion.

K1 Crew Quarters Lost Sector guide in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph (2023)

1) Location

The K1 Crew Quarters Lost Sector entrance can be found within the Hellmouth region of the Moon. Players can either spawn at the Altars of Sorrow checkpoint or the Sanctuary checkpoint, and head straight to the Hellmouth region by following their maps.

K1 Crew Quarters entrance location (Image via Destiny 2)
K1 Crew Quarters entrance location (Image via Destiny 2)

You can also mark the Lost Sector icon on the map to follow the waypoint from anywhere on the Moon. Upon entering the location, the entrance to the Lost Sector can be found in the far corner of the map, past a satellite tower, inside a white structure.

2) Modifiers

Destiny 2 K1 Crew Quarters modifiers (Image via Kyber's Corner)
Destiny 2 K1 Crew Quarters modifiers (Image via Kyber's Corner)

Like many Lost Sectors in the game, you can run the Legend or Master version of the K1 Crew Quarters. The former will require a power level of 1590, while the latter will need a power level of 1610. Depending on the difficulty, enemies will grow in power and density. The Legend throws in the following modifiers:

  • Extra shields.
  • Match Game.
  • Limited reveals.
  • Locked equipment.
  • Extra Champions.
  • Arc Burn.
  • Hot Knife (shanks have Solar shields).

The Master difficulty, on the other hand, has the same modifiers alongside additional enemies and Attrition. The latter reduces health regeneration and creates a well of light upon killing combatants.

3) Enemies

The final boss of K1 Crew Quarters (Image via Destiny 2)
The final boss of K1 Crew Quarters (Image via Destiny 2)

Like modifiers, the number of enemies and their strength varies based on Legend or Master difficulty. In Legend's Difficulty of K1 Crew Quarters, you will face the following enemies:

  • 10 Solar shields.
  • 2 Overload Champions.
  • 3 Barrier Champions.

In the Master version, the enemies will be as follows:

  • 10 Solar shields.
  • 6 Overload Champions.
  • 4 Barrier Champions.

As mentioned earlier, Attrition will also be a part of the modifier in Master difficulty, making everyone's lives miserable.

4) Recommended load-outs and loot

Arbalest Linear Fusion Rifle (Image via Destiny 2)
Arbalest Linear Fusion Rifle (Image via Destiny 2)

Recommended Exotic for this Lost Sector is either the Arbalest Linear Fusion Rifle or the Eriana's Vow Special Hand Cannon. Both these gears are potent against Barrier Champions and Solar shields. For Overload Champions, the seasonal artifact mod, Lord Kelvin's Basilisk, can be pretty valuable with Stasis and Void Grenades.

The January 31 loot pool will include Exotic chest, making it one of the essential farms for Hunters' Gyrfalcon's Hauberk. You have until the next daily reset on February 1 to farm chest pieces across all three classes.

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