Destiny 2 Season of Plunder: How to get the Lumina Exotic Hand Cannon (2022)

The Lumina can be considered as Thorn
The Lumina can be considered as Thorn's counterpart (Image via Bungie)

Hand Cannon is one of the most powerful weapon types in Destiny 2. While only a handful of these weapons make it to the meta, the ones that do, manage to leave a lasting impression on everyone.

Lumina is one such Hand Cannon that Guardians will encounter in Destiny 2. Introduced during the Season of Opulence, this weapon remains quite popular in the community thanks to its perks. However, since the time it was introduced in the game, a lot has changed.

So here's a quick rundown of everything Guardians need to know about Lumina Exotic Hand Cannon in the game.

Is the Lumina locked behind a quest in Destiny 2 Season of Plunder?


The game used to have a quest related to the Lumina Exotic Hand Cannon. However, the quest was vaulted a while back. While the quest was tedious and fun to play, a fireteam of three Guardians made the quest comparatively easier.

Since the quest has been vaulted, Guardians can now pick up Lumina from the Monument to Lost Lights at the Tower. Picking up this weapon from the Monument will cost Guardians around 125,000 Glimmer, one Exotic Cipher, 200 Bayron Boughs, and one Ascendant Shard.

Bayron Boughs can be found in Dreaming City and appear as small spectral trees which can be collected by simply interacting with them. Certain Dreaming City activities and bounties reward Bayron Boughs as well.

Interestingly enough, the Lumina weapon is very similar to Thorn. They have the same source of origin, i.e., the Rose Legendary Hand Cannon. Moreover, both these weapons leave behind remnants when they defeat enemies in Destiny 2.

That said, Lumina has some really interesting perks. They are as follows:

Barrel: Chambered compensator (+10 Stability, -5 Handling)

Magazine: Accurized rounds (+10 Range)

Perk 1: Blessing of the Sky (Using a Noble Round on an ally heals them and grants both the Guardian using Lumina and the Guardian, whom the Hand Cannon is being used on, bonus weapon damage for a short period of time.)

Perk 2: Polymer grip (+10 Handling)

Intrinsic Perk: The intrinsic perk on this weapon is known as Noble Rounds. Thanks to this perk, whenever a Guardian kills an enemy, they leave behind a remnant. Whenever a Guardian picks up these remnants, the next hip-fired round gets converted into a Noble Round. Firing this Noble Round on an ally heals them and grants them bonus weapon damage for a short time. Picking up a remnant partially refills the magazine as well.


There was a time when Lumina was extremely popular in Destiny 2. Given the overall character mechanics in the game right now, this weapon could be influential in the current meta. The Arc 3.0 rework mainly focuses on speed and agility, but unlike the Solar 3.0 subclass, there isn't any mod that provides a buff-like restoration.

Having a healer in a fireteam can always prove beneficial, especially when it comes to more challenging content in the game. Moreover, Guardians can be healed by firing rounds, so there's no additional ability used during the activity. But then again, this weapon will find its place in specific builds in the game, so this might not be the weapon of choice for many Guardians in Destiny 2.