Genshin Impact 3.0 Sumeru teasers summary: Everything to know

Everything about Sumeru from the official teaser (Image via Genshin Impact)
Everything about Sumeru from the official teaser (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact developers have announced the official dates for the 3.0 Special Program. The community has been waiting for the patch 3.0 update and Sumeru's release for so long.

The Sumeru preview teaser has already explained some things about Sumeru and its last missing Dendro element. The teaser also explains much about Sumeru's terrain, its inhabitants, and cultural differences. Along with the 3.0 Special Program announcement, officials have uploaded a new Sumeru Promotional video.

Sumeru looks expansive in Genshin Impact 3.0

Genshin Impact fans have been waiting for a new playable region and a new element for the longest time. Officials have already uploaded three teasers, each explaining different aspects of Sumeru, to maintain the hype created by the posts and leaks. Each teaser video will be covered individually in the article.

SUMERU PREVIEW TEASER 1: The Fascinating Dendro Element


The first Sumeru Preview Teaser explains Dendro being the latest addition to elemental reactions. The Dendro element will finally be officially introduced in patch 3.0 and bring new elemental reactions. Dendro has three main elemental reactions and four sub-reactions. Here is a list of all the new elemental reactions:

  • Bloom [main reactions]
  • Burning [main reactions]
  • Catalyze [main reactions]
  • Hyperbloom
  • Burgeon
  • Spread
  • Aggravate

Sumeru is currently the largest region, even bigger than Liyue and Mondstadt combined. Fortunately, Sumeru's terrain is filled with many mechanisms that will help Travelers travel around swiftly. For instance, Genshin Impact fans can traverse around using a grappling-type ability or use elements on lilypad-shaped platforms to use them as bounce pads.

Electro Regisvine and Floating Mushroom (Image via Genshin Impact)
Electro Regisvine and Floating Mushroom (Image via Genshin Impact)

The teaser also shows two new types of Sumeru enemies, such as Electro Regisvine and Floating Mushrooms, that players might have to farm for future Sumeru characters.



While the first teaser was more about Denro and elemental reactions, the second Sumeru Preview Teaser focuses more on Sumeru's exotic terrain. Based on the second teaser, Genshin Impact fans learn that Sumeru is divided into two major parts - the Rainforest and the Desert.

Starting with the Rainforest, the landscape provides an image of endless mountains compared to Liyue or Inazuma. The whole rainforest is covered with large ancient tree branches in the tropics and humid weather.

However, the vast rainforest also has many unknown areas forming its ecosystem. Moving forward with the desert, this part of Sumeru is filled with storms, oases, and sacred ruins that hold major historical elements.

Sumeru - Rainforest and Desert (Image via Genshin Impact)
Sumeru - Rainforest and Desert (Image via Genshin Impact)

Fans will also get a hint about the first quest they will encounter when they enter Sumeru. The quest has something to do with little spirits that children can only see. The little spirits would want the traveler's help to solve the current crisis hidden in the forest's depths.

SUMERU PREVIEW TEASER 3: Prelude to Wisdom


The third Sumeru Preview Teaser lets fans look closer at the main city and other parts of Sumeru. The teaser primarily focuses on Sumeru's culture. Based on the teaser, Sumeru folk consider knowledge as a resource, and it is also used as a form of currency using a gnosis-powered legacy called the Akasha system. It is also found that Sumeru Akademiya is the main governing body and handles all state affairs.

The latest Genshin Impact teaser also showcases many new enemy types that players will encounter in the future. These enemies can be found in the Rainforest and Desert parts of Sumeru.

The teaser also discloses the mercenary group called the Eremites in the Dendro region. They are independent faction that relies on wisdom and strength. Lastly, during the end of the teaser, many upcoming Sumeru characters have been officially shown to the community.

New Genshin Impact characters such as Tighnari, Alhaitham, Cyno, Nilou, Nahida, and Dehya's character design is showcased, which could indicate their debut in future patch updates.

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