How to buy Smithing Stones in Elden Ring

Elden Ring even makes shopping tough (Image via FromSoftware)
Elden Ring even makes shopping tough (Image via FromSoftware)

Elden Ring dropped to tremendous success and overwhelming fan approval. Those who know what they're in for with FromSoftware's brand got everything they hoped for and much more.

Upgrading the player's character is one of the most important parts of success, and certain items can help the player survive. The Smithing Stone lets players improve their weapons and is invaluable to any Elden Ring player.

Who sells Smithing Stones in Elden Ring?

There are two Elden Ring NPCs who sell Smithing Stones, but they are in very different locations and require a great deal of work to access. Players will have to face bosses, acquire rare items, and traverse dangerous landscapes to find either merchant.

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Smithing Master Iji

Later recognized as War Counselor, Iji is a giant who can be found reading quietly on a log. He offers Smithing Stones to the player, along with a unique talisman that reduces FP costs.

Iji is located in Liurna of the Lakes, in the northwest region of the lake. At the shore, find the Kingsgrave Ruins and the accompanying army of skeletal mages. Defeat or evade them and head to the northernmost part of the ruin. There's an illusory wall set up there that will reveal a Site of Grace. Next to that point, Iji's giant unmissable form will sit.

He will sell an unlimited amount of Somber Smithing Stone [1] and [2], and three Somber Smithing Stones [3] and [4]. Somber Smithing Stones can be used to enhance unique armaments. This unclear distinction covers the majority of weapons beyond starting gear, so Somber Stones are very important.

Iji charges 2000 runes for the first level of Somber Smithing Stone, then an extra thousand for each additional level. He doesn't move from his spot, so players can simply hop back to the Site of Grace next to him whenever they have the cash.

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Twin Maiden Husks

This duo is a pair of mysterious masked figures holding onto a staff. They reside in Roundtable Hold, but they won't sell the Smithing Stones until they have a Smithing Miner's Bell Bearing [1].

To get the Bearing, head to Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel on the northeast side of Liurna of the Lakes. At the shore, crouch and look closely to find a tiny crawlspace that leads into the tunnel. The resulting dungeon is challenging, and it ends with a boss called Crystalian. This boss will drop the Bell Bearing upon defeat.

Each upgraded Bearing brought to the Maidens will allow them to start selling higher-level Smithing Stones. The second can be found by Leyndell Royal Capital's western gate. The third is on a corpse at the First Church of Marika.

Players can take that item to the Twin Maiden Husks, and they'll start selling unlimited Smithing Stones.

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