How to get a light source for caves in Elden Ring

Players will want to get themselves a torch in order to be able to see in the darkness in caves. (Image via FromSoftware Inc.)
Players will want to get themselves a torch in order to be able to see in the darkness in caves. (Image via FromSoftware Inc.)

In Elden Ring, one of the first things a player may experience is going into a cave without a light. This is not the most fun experience with so many enemies and dangers lurking. In order for players to have an easier time and just see while in the cave, they will need to get a torch. Torches are the light source players will want to get their hands on as quickly as possible.

Obtaining a torch and being able to see in the darkness in Elden Ring

Players who have experienced the dreadful darkness of the caves in Elden Ring will certainly never want to deal with that again. In order for them to be able to see and navigate a lot easier, they should pick up a torch. The easiest way for players just starting their journey in Elden Ring is to purchase one from Kalé the Merchant. Kalé can be found in the Church of Ellah soon after players start their journey.

Purchasing the torch in Elden Ring

Kalé sells players the torch they need for the price of 200 runes (Image via Elden Ring.)
Kalé sells players the torch they need for the price of 200 runes (Image via Elden Ring.)

In order for players to obtain the torch, they need to speak with the merchant Kalé located in the Church of Ellah, which is an area very close to where players start out in the game. The torch can be purchased for 200 runes, and once it is purchased, players can repeatedly use it, as it is not a consumable item. Therefore, it is advised that players buy it as soon as possible.

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Another option for lighting the way in Elden Ring

There is another way for players to light their path. In addition to the torch, there is also a lantern that players can purchase from the Nomadic Merchant. This Nomadic Merchant resides in the Liurnia Lake Shore and sells the player the lantern for 1800 runes. The lantern is preferable to the torch as it allows players to have their hands free for combat.

Equipping the torch or lantern

Players can equip the torch or lantern to a quick slot, allowing them to quickly change it out when needed. (Image via Elden Ring)
Players can equip the torch or lantern to a quick slot, allowing them to quickly change it out when needed. (Image via Elden Ring)

Players are able to equip the torch or the lantern by going into the menu and selecting equipment. This allows players to bind the item they choose to a quick slot, which will allow them to quickly equip it when needed. This is preferred while exploring dimly lit areas and will also allow players to be combat ready at a moment's notice.

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