How to open the door to the Two Fingers at the Roundtable Hold in Elden Ring

Players can locate Enia inside of the door to Two Finger, and she offers players access to Remembrances (Image via Elden Ring)
Players can locate Enia inside of the door to Two Finger, and she offers players access to Remembrances (Image via Elden Ring)

Playing through the Elden Ring, players are bound to be defeating quite a few bosses. Eventually, they are going to defeat a very powerful foe, more dangerous than the ones they have previously encountered.

When players slay a demigod, such as Godrick the Grafted, they will be able to open a special door in Roundtable Hold that houses Enia and the fabled Two Fingers.

Opening the door in Elden Ring's Roundtable Hold will unlock Enia for players

Enia is an important NPC that allows players access to Remembrances. She can only be found behind this special door in Roundtable Hold. The room will only open once the players have defeated a demigod.

Once players defeat a demigod like Godrick the Grafted, they will be able to enter the room. Players should keep in mind that this is the only way that they can open this door.

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Once players open the door they can speak with Enia

Remembrances grant players the ability to access powerful weapons and spells (Image via Elden Ring)
Remembrances grant players the ability to access powerful weapons and spells (Image via Elden Ring)

When players enter the newly opened door to speak with Enia, they should be able to find her on the left. She is very hard for players to miss in this room. However, once players speak with Enia she will be able to impart the wisdom of the Two Fingers on the player. If players continue the conversation, she will allow players to unlock the ability to use Remembrances.

Rememberances allow players to forge powerful gear

Once players unlock the ability to use Rememberances, they will be able to utilize them and runes to craft boss weapons. Players will usually be able to choose between a powerful weapon and a spell upon turning in a Remembrance to Enia. Players can also re-collect a Remembrance to unlock its power by visiting Enia again.

Enia also has some insight into the lore of Elden Ring

Players looking for a deeper understanding may wish to speak with Enia to learn some fascinating information (Image via Elden Ring)
Players looking for a deeper understanding may wish to speak with Enia to learn some fascinating information (Image via Elden Ring)

When a player meets with Enia, she will speak about some very important topics that pertain to the Great Runes. She is also able to translate for the Two Fingers and as such is able to provide players with a wealth of knowledge at her disposal. Players may wish to speak with her periodically to gain more insight about the world.

See Melina Elden Ring here.

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