How to play the brand new Sivir in League of Legends Season 12

A detailed guide to playing the brand new Sivir in season 12 (Image via Riot Games)
A detailed guide to playing the brand new Sivir in season 12 (Image via Riot Games)

Many will agree that Sivir's rework in League of Legends was one of the best changes in the game for a long time now. It seems that the changes have completely revived the champion, making her a priority pick in the professional scene within certain regions such as China.

This is mainly because the changes to Sivir propelled her towards a teamfighting champion capable of dealing sustained damage for long durations of time. For this reason, a detailed guide has been presented in this article that will help League of Legends players dominate games with the brand new Sivir in season 12.


It is important to remember that Sivir's current build is completely different from how players used to play her earlier. In fact, she is now more in line with modern-day ADC champions such as Jinx, Aphelios, and Xayah.

Runes, item build, and gameplay guide to Sivir in League of Legends season 12

Before moving any further, it is vital to first take a look at the exact reason behind Sivir becoming so much better after the rework in League of Legends season 12. Sivir primarily got buffed in terms of consistency and self-reliability.

The developers wanted to make sure that being an ADC, Sivir's kit helped herself the most instead of teammates. This way, her strength during teamfights was also enhanced quite extensively.

Apart from that, she got a decent AD growth in the passive which further helps her stay in-line with current meta ADCs. In short, the developers wanted Sivir to get better as the game progressed, and make her a late-game hypercarry.

In the current state, there is no doubt that a lot of that has been achieved, which is why she has suddenly seen a rise in both professional play as well as solo-queue games. In fact, as of now, Sivir has a 53% win rate with an S+ rating, which is a clear indicator that the League of Legends developers were able to hit the mark with her.

Nevertheless, we can now move on to the actual guide for the champion.

Rune Path

Sivir runes season 12 (Image via League of Legends)
Sivir runes season 12 (Image via League of Legends)

Primary Rune (Precision): Lethal Tempo, Presence of Mind, Legend: Bloodline, Coup de Grace

Secondary Rune (Inspiration): Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery

In terms of rune choice, it is pretty standard as Lethal Tempo goes very well with her revamped kit within the game. It helps her deal some serious damage within long-standing teamfights and helps her remain relevant towards the late-game.

The secondary rune obviously helps her stay healthy in the lane and farm for longer durations.

Item Build

As mentioned before, Sivir is now a full-fledged AD champion and can build all the meta items without any issues. She no longer needs to build items like the Duskblade of Draktharr, which rarely works in extended teamfights.

The current build for Sivir includes:

  • Kraken Slayer
  • Phantom Dancer
  • Lord Dominik's Regards
  • Infinity Edge
  • Bloodthirster
  • Berserker Greaves

It is important to clarify here that if League of Legends players wish to do so, they can skip Bloodthirster and build a Guardian Angel instead. Obviously, this depends on the match and the kind of enemies players are facing.

Gameplay tips


Sivir is a ranged champion, which means that farming is not an issue for her. Her range is not the highest, but it works pretty well against the current meta champions.

League of Legends players should ideally look to max out her Q first as that will be the primary source of harassing the enemy while also gathering farm. Putting points in the ultimate whenever necessary is also required.

Next, gamers should look to upgrade her W ability, as it also provides Sivir with a respectable lane presence. Upgrading the E ability is not that important and simply putting one point into it will get Sivir comfortably through the early game.

In truth, players should look to max out her E only after the other skills are at the highest level. However, if gamers feel that they are getting harassed too much, then adding an extra point into E beforehand will not hurt.

Nevertheless, the idea with Sivir would be to farm up the mythic item as quickly as possible as it is her primary damage source and wil provide her with a massive power spike.

Until it is done, focusing on farming is an absolute necessity. It is vital to remember that if Sivir falls behind, then it will become very difficult to make a comeback later on.

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