How to poison bosses in Elden Ring

Elden Ring has many statuses that can be inflicted on enemies (Image via FromSoftware Inc.)
Elden Ring has many statuses that can be inflicted on enemies (Image via FromSoftware Inc.)

The Poison status effect works on Elden Ring bosses just as it does on other enemies.

The only difference is that bosses are much more likely to resist or even be immune to the Poison effect. That means players will just have to try and see how it goes.


To poison those tough bosses in the new Soulslike title, players can use various incantations and weapons. These will grant poison effects for a short time or even simply do poison damage based on the weapon type.

How to effect bosses with poison in Elden Ring

A player faces one of the game's many bosses (Image via FromSoftware Inc.)
A player faces one of the game's many bosses (Image via FromSoftware Inc.)

It is definitely possible to poison a boss in the game. The likes of Crystalian enemies and those that resemble spirits are the ones who more than likely can't be poisoned.

At this point, it seems like the majority of the other boss fights in the game can see them dealt a poison status from weapons, incantations, and more. This will eat away at their health alongside the damage dealt by weapons.

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Poison Grease

One way to inflict Poison statuses on bosses and other enemies in Elden Ring is to use Poison Grease. It is a consumable item that coats a weapon for a short period of time in poison.

It can be crafted with one Root Resin and one Poisonbloom. Use it to slater a melee or ranged weapon before a boss fight to ensure the battle starts off with the Poison damage available.


There are a couple of incantations that correlate to doing poison damage. The first is Poison Mist. Players that cast Poison Mist will simply release a poisonous cloud that can poison bosses who are caught in it.

The second is Poison Armament. This encantation allows players to coast the weapon in the right hand with poison, without the need for the Poison Grease consumable item.

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The Venomous Fang comes with the ability to deal poison (Image via FromSoftware Inc.)
The Venomous Fang comes with the ability to deal poison (Image via FromSoftware Inc.)

So far, there is one weapon in Elden Ring that is certain to deal poison damage. The Venomous Fang is a Claw weapon that does physical damage with that extra poison effect.

It is found in an abandoned cave in Caelid. It is above the swap area, across from a branch that players can cross. The cave is completely filled with rot, so be careful when venturing to grab this weapon.