League of Legends' new Ahri guide for season 12

Ahri updated guide for season 12 (Image via League of Legends)
Ahri updated guide for season 12 (Image via League of Legends)

Ahri is one of the oldest champions that was ever created within League of Legends. She was immensely popular during seasons 3 and 4, however, eventually lost her footing to much more advanced and better champions that were released later on.

Thus, the developers gave her a mini rework in order to make her a bit more interesting and a lot more viable. They made changes to how her passive skill functioned and the way in which her ultimate works.

It goes without saying that those changes have had a positive impact on both her pickrate as well as her winrate. Thus, taking a look at both her builds and playstyle that complement her re-designed skills is quite crucial.

Detailed runepath, item builds and playstyle for Ahri in League of Legends season 12

When Ahri was first released back on December 14, 2011, she was one of the top champions in the midlane. Ahri was considered a counter to other midlaners like LeBlanc on account of her charm skill.

However, as the years passed by, her scaling, design, skill ceiling and gameplay simply became way too outdated for the game. As a result, despite being a popular face within League of Legends, she lost her footing within the summoner's rift.

Thus, a rework was quite necessary in order to make her viable once more. So, the developers made a few adjustments to how her skills functioned in order to bring her in line with the other top midlaners that are prevalent in season 12.


Updated Runes for Ahri (Image via League of Legends)
Updated Runes for Ahri (Image via League of Legends)

Primary Rune (Domination): Electrocute, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, Ultimate Hunter

Secondary Rune (Inspiration): Biscuit Delivery, Time Warp Tonic

Rune Shards: Offense (+10% Attack Speed), Flex (+9 Adaptive Force), Defense (+8 Magic Resist)

Thus, in terms of runes, there is not much difference to how it was previously used. Electrocute is still a very viable option as it allows her to dish out additional damage once she lands her skills appropriately.

Her secondary runes provide her sustainability in the lane and also provide her with a bit of scaling in the late game.

Item Builds


When it comes to items, Ahri has definitely changed a lot within League of Legends. Ahri can deal damage, but she is also quite good at zoning out champions and providing single target control.

Therefore, her item build has also been updated to match her mini-rework. The items for Ahri are as follows:

  • Everfrost (or Luden's Tempest)
  • Shadowflame
  • Zhonya's Hourglass
  • Mejai's Soulstealer
  • Morellononomicon
  • Sorcerer's Shoes

Thus, as it is clear, Ahri's current iteration has a more balanced item build that provides both control as well as damage. Everfrost is recommended for her mythics as it provides a lot of control, but Luden's Tempest is viable in case players want to build for damage.

Shadowflame, Mejai's Soulstealer and Morellonomicon are meant to increase damage. Zhonya's Hourglass provides her with defensive options and Sorcerer's shoes help to increase magic penetration.



One of the key aspects of Ahri's rework within League of Legends is related to her passive. It is something that allows her to damage enemies and collect essence fragments. Once she collects nine of those, she can heal for a certain amount.

If Ahri is able to take down a champion, then the healing is drastically improved. Thus, as it is clear, Ahri's playstyle will be revolving around aggressiveness and mobility.

Ahri's ultimate also allows her to chase enemies who are trying to run away from her. Thus, she can always hunt down low health enemies and stay relevant in sustained fights.

However, she is also a mage and therefore needs the item spike before she can do significant damage. Thus, as long as players are below level 6, they should strictly focus on farming.

Once they hit 6, they can start going a little bit more aggressive. Since she can heal from her passive, it allows her to remain healthy even in lanes that punish her. Therefore, players should be fearless when playing Ahri and ensure that her abilities do not miss their targets.

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