Modern Warfare 2 - Scorestreak vs Killstreak: which one should you use and when?

Scorestreaks and Killstreaks in Modern Warfare 2 explained (Image via Activision)
Scorestreaks and Killstreaks in Modern Warfare 2 explained (Image via Activision)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 offers players the option to toggle between scorestreaks and killstreaks. This feature provides players with the choice of whether they wish to play for points or for kills, enabling different playstyles to be viable. During the beta testing phase of the game, players were able to try out the various killstreaks/scorestreaks that will be available upon the game's launch.

Modern Warfare 2 is an upcoming game from developers Infinity Ward that will feature new graphical upgrades, audio technology, advanced AI, and much more; all this to ensure a truly next-gen Call of Duty experience for fans. As previously claimed by the developers, the title is set to be the "most advanced" Call of Duty game to date.

Everything players need to know about scorestreaks and killstreaks in Modern Warfare 2

Streaks are a reward system in Call of Duty games that rewards players with various in-game benefits such as UAVs, Counter UAVs, Predator missiles, and more. These benefits can be used for further kills and scores.

What are scorestreaks?

Scorestreaks allow players to obtain special benefits in the game to collect scores without dying. Players can earn scores in various ways such as playing an objective, getting kills and assists, etc.


This reward mechanism was first introduced with Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, and then the subsequent Treyarch titles. It was also present in Advanced Warfare and WWII. In Modern Warfare (2019), players were able to use scorestreaks in the game if they used the Pointman perk.

What are killstreaks?

Killstreaks are similar in nature. It enables players to earn special benefits when going on a killing spree without dying. However, as soon as a player dies, the streak resets. However, if players have earned killstreaks prior to dying in-game and haven't used them, it will remain with the player when he/she respawns.


The system was first introduced to the series with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and ever since, has featured in World at War, Modern Warfare 2 (2009), Modern Warfare (2019) and Vanguard.

When to use killstreaks and scorestreaks?

Killstreaks are preferred for game modes where killing a higher number of enemies is part of the winning condition. For example, in Team Deathmatch, there is no additional way for players to increase scores other than by killing enemies. So, in modes such as Team Deathmatch, Prisoner Rescue and Knockout, players can use killstreaks.

Similarly for scorestreaks, modes such as Domination and Hardpoint are preferred. In these modes, there are ways for players to earn scores by simply playing the objective, rather than simply competing for kills.

How to switch between scorestreaks and killstreaks in Modern Warfare 2?


In Modern Warfare 2, players can switch between scorestreaks and killstreaks. So, depending on the mode, they can choose how they want to be rewarded. Here's how you can select between them:

  • In your game's main menu, head over to the 'Weapons' tab on top.
  • Now select 'Killstreaks'.
  • Here in the bottom left corner, there will be switch option to switch to 'Scorestreaks' if you have killstreaks enabled and vice versa.
  • Clicking that switch will change killstreaks to scorestreaks. Alternatively, you can press '2' to switch while on that screen. If you are on Xbox systems, it will be the 'RT' button and on Playstation it will be the 'R2' button.

The Modern Warfare 2 beta has been controversial. Despite leading the Steam sales chart, the reviews from the beta have been mixed. Complaints about the game design choice of the developers are some of the major concerns cited. Apart from that, crashes, performance hiccups, and cheaters on PC have made fans skeptical of the upcoming release.

Modern Warfare 2 launches this October 28 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series S/X, and Xbox One.

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