Twitch streamer defeats one of the hardest bosses in Elden Ring using dance pad

The Twitch content creator successfully defeated Malenia, Blade of Miquella, using a dance pad on stream (Image via luality/Twitch)
The Twitch content creator successfully defeated Malenia, Blade of Miquella, using a dance pad on stream (Image via luality/Twitch)

Twitch streamer luality is known for challenging herself with the most challenging ways to play the Soulsborne genre. One of her newest achievements was her most recent livestream, where the online star successfully defeated Malenia, Blade of Miquella, considered the hardest boss in Elden Ring.

Twitch streamer's unique way of defeating Malenia, Blade of Miquella

Luality's most recent quest was to defeat Malenia, Blade of Miquella, using a dance pad. Malenia is an optional boss in Elden Ring situated in a hidden legacy dungeon called Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree. Reaching the boss itself is a very challenging endeavor.

During one of her most recent livestreams, luality dedicated all of her streaming time to defeating this unforgiving FromSoftware-designed boss. Close to the four-hour mark on her stream, the Twitch streamer transitioned to the second phase of the fight, where Malenia transformed herself into the Goddess of Rot.

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Using her weapon's special move called Corpse Piler, luality tried to engage the boss with the dance pad. Finding the perfect spot to hit the boss, the content creator engaged with the fight at the most precise moments.

Getting close to defeat the boss, luality seemed to go into hyper-focus mode. Soon enough, minutes after initiating the boss fight, luality successfully defeated Malenia using the dance pad.

As soon as she killed the boss in-game, she happily rejoiced and stated:

"I can't believe it! Oh my god! We f***ing did it! Oh my god! High-five!"

VOD for the clip begins at 03:50:56

Luality was out of breath because of all the intense moves she had to perfectly master to kill the boss using the dance pad. She tried to calm herself down after achieving such a huge feat.

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Following this, the Twitch streamer opened up the character status menu to show her audience at what level she managed to beat Malenia using the dance pad. As fans showered her with wholesome messages, donations, and Twitch Bits, luality gratefully said:

"Oh my god... We are level 138, so around the normal level. Those are my stats. I can't believe it! Oh my god, thank you guys so much! Oh my god, you guys are so crazy. Thank you! I can't believe this. Like, what the hell!"

She continued to stream for the next ten minutes, following which she ended the day's livestream.

Fans react to the Twitch streamer's insane gameplay

Audiences on Reddit were amazed at how luality managed to kill one of the most challenging bosses in-game with such precision.

A few mentioned that some people would find a way to criticize the streamer because of her weapon of choice.

Luality is a Twitch streamer and content creator who is best known for killing various challenging bosses in the Soulsborne franchise in the most unique and mesmerizing ways. Some of her previous accolades include killing The Nameless King and Darkeater Midir in Dark Souls 3 using a dance pad.

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