Warzone 2 players on Reddit furious as no hit-reg bug makes sniping useless

Warzone 2 players are quitting sniper rifles due to the
Warzone 2 players are quitting sniper rifles due to the 'no hit-reg bug' (Image via Activision)

A recently-surfaced bug has frustrated plenty of Warzone 2 players. The no hit-reg bug is causing explosive bullets from sniper rifles not to cause any damage sometimes, even when they land perfectly on the target. This comes after the bullet velocity of explosive ammunition was nerfed in the Season 3 Reloaded patch, reducing the effectiveness of the sniper rifles by a significant margin.

Warzone 2 saw a rapid increase in the pick rate of sniper rifles with the advent of the one-shot potential in three heavy snipers in Season 3. Despite the nerf, players were able to adapt, and sniper rifles remained a viable and lethal weapon platform in the hands of skilled operators until this most recent bug surfaced.

Explosive bullets from sniper rifles are sometimes not causing any damage to the target in Warzone 2


The recent decrease in the bullet velocity of explosive rounds in Warzone 2 made sniping much tougher for the players. A decrease in the bullet velocity equates to a more aggressive trajectory drop, making it hard for players to land a long-range shot with sniper rifles.

In Warzone 2, players can one-shot eliminate enemies with explosive-bullet-equipped snipers only when a head-shot gets registered. As such, the margin of error is very tight, requiring players to have good aim and trigger discipline for sniper rifles to be effective on the battlefield.

These harsh conditions are making sniping in Warzone 2 a very tedious process. But, if a player does everything right and still doesn't get that satisfying one-shot kill from the sniper rifles, the frustration is entirely justified. This was showcased in a recently uploaded video on Reddit by user u/JustLawly.

The video features a streamer aiming at the head of an enemy operator with an explosive bullet-equipped MCPR-300 and landing the bullet perfectly on the head. However, due to the no-hit reg bug, the opponent doesn't receive any damage and is able to survive a clear kill shot.

Replying to the post, user u/asmitchandola called the explosive rounds "pathetic" due to their "awful" bullet drop. Additionally, due to the frequent lack of hit registration, the player has stopped using them and switched to the high-velocity bullets.

Another user pointed out that explosive bullets are not registering any damage on redeploy drones, as the tracer can be seen passing through the objects rather than hitting them.

User u/dada120 has also commented that the explosive bullets are not causing any damage to parachuting opponents.

User u/asmitchandola demonstrated the lack of damage registration on parachuting enemies in a video uploaded to the Warzone Subreddit.

Player u/ClapBackRat mentioned that the lack of hit registration of explosive bullets is not just present in live matches but also in the game's firing range.

User u/enesbae felt the developers should make the sniper rifles one-shot and remove the explosive bullets altogether (since they are so buggy).

Players will no doubt be hoping that the developers at Activision look into mitigating these issues soon and improve the playability of the title.

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