Rainbow Six Siege Operation Solar Raid: All player comfort changes coming in Y7S4

Rainbow Six Siege Y7S4 to drop plenty of player comfort changes (Image via Ubisoft)
Rainbow Six Siege Y7S4 to drop plenty of player comfort changes (Image via Ubisoft)

Rainbow Six Siege is ready to conclude its seventh year with Operation Solar Raid. The expansion is set to bring a variety of changes to the tactical shooter that fans have been expecting for a while. One of the key pillars of the upcoming update is the new Colombian Operator along with a brand new map.


Operation Solar Raid will also be bringing tons of quality-of-life changes that will help the game's health in the longer run. Ubisoft has decided to give Rainbow Six Siege players support for a variety of options that the title previously lacked. With that, it will also receive some other surprising changes.

List of player comfort changes coming to Rainbow Six Siege Operation Solar Raid

Operation Solar Raid will be a huge step forward for Siege. The expansion will ensure large improvements that will not only make the title more beginner friendly but also more accessible for veterans. Listed below are the player comfort changes that are coming to Year 7 Season 4.

No friendly fire in the preparation phase


Players often have to be extremely cautious about how they are using their utility and weaponry in Rainbow Six Siege. As a game with a one-shot headshot mechanic, it's pretty easy to hurt your allies if you're not being very careful.

In the upcoming expansion, friendly fire will be disabled in the prep phase to ensure Defenders have a reduced chance of disruptive behavior and minor mistakes. Players will still be able to enable the option in custom games.

Map ban update


To ensure that players are forced to learn about the new map, the Nighthaven Labs map cannot be banned in Ranked and Unranked game modes. It will still appear in the ban phase, but it can't be selected.

In the past, it has been observed that players refuse to learn a new map because it does not provide the same comfort as the previous maps. Since learning them are a crucial part of Rainbow Six Siege, this step was taken by the developers to make the players more adaptive.

Switch ability mode update


Operators like Capitao and Zofia use gadgets with alternative fire modes. Previously, players would have to equip the gadget and swap the utility mode to change the mode of action.

With the switch ability update, one can decide on their ammo type without equipping the device. This makes using their gadgets much more efficient.

Bomb site marker update


The discovered bomb site markers will now stay on the HUD even after dropping the defuser. The color of the found bomb site will also be updated to show players that they're no longer the primary objective once the defuser is down.

Earlier, the markers would disappear, which confused the attacking side, especially the newcomers. This change will help such players grasp the idea of how the objective is played in Rainbow Six Siege.

Drone strafe speed


Controller players will no longer face a slowed drone while strafing diagonally. When on a controller, drones will now move at full speed in all directions, the same as they do on a mouse and keyboard.

The aforementioned player comfort changes are ready to be made to the live servers of Rainbow Six Siege on December 6, 2022. Players can also try out Operation Solar Raid on the official test servers that are live right now.

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