"They should just light the game on fire": Battlefield 2042 players are furious with DICE's obsession with specialists

Fans are upset that DICE will continue to work on the specialists in Battlefield 2042 (Image via DICE)
Fans are upset that DICE will continue to work on the specialists in Battlefield 2042 (Image via DICE)

Specialists in Battlefield 2042 have fit in the same manner as fish cans outside water. While EA and DICE have aggressively pushed for the feature, most players have been less than persuasive towards them. There have been several discussions on social media about players wanting DICE to revert to the original class system. However, players won't be getting their way as a DICE developer has confirmed that specialists are here to stay.

In some ways, specialists are an extension of the class system in previous Battlefield games. DICE decided to push the characters, with each having their own kits and skillset. The idea was to bridge the gap between a military and a hero shooter. Unfortunately, Battlefield 2042's performance issues have been further amplified by the negative reception of specialists. Several players have expressed earlier that the specialists make the gameplay cumbersome. With news of them staying for the time being, it's unlikely that the player base will be made happier.

DICE developer suggests that specialists are going nowhere from Battlefield 2042

The news was broken on Reddit by user u/Youngstown_Mafia, who showed the responses of a certain developer. The developer said that the specialists won't be removed, but will undergo a rework to meet the playerbase's expectations.

For a layman, specialists in the current Battlefield game have been less than satisfactory. Players felt that specialists were unnecessary and that the previous class system was far superior. Many within the community joined the discussion thread to express their displeasure over the decision taken by developers.

One player stated that EA possibly wants to turn Battlefield into another form of Apex Legends. Any such expectations would be quite bizarre as there is already one Apex Legend, which is one of the better games published by EA.

Additionally, the microtransaction system in Battlefield 2042 has also been criticized by the players. One player believes that specialists may have been added to the game primarily to sell items and make more money.

Although a new Battlefield game has been announced, some believe that 2042 may have done an irrevocable amount of damage. Even if the new game is good, the franchise has been incredibly damaged by the latest installment.

For some, EA's decision to stick with specialists is specifically for monetization only. Even if it damages their reputation by a large extent, microtransactions seem to be the priority of the developers.

Such has been the dismay over specialists that one person has already decided not to buy another Battlefield game if they retain the problematic feature.

To make matters even worse, some players are even claiming for a refund before they decide to buy the next game.

One player is firm in their belief that the developer's point is just an excuse. They are doing so to avoid admitting that the entire system is a failure.

In his response, the developer has claimed that the specialists can't be removed because they're hard-wired into the game. One player has refused to believe that the specialist system even remotely fits into the lore of the game.

Some players feel that their fascination with specialists will lead to the death of the series. There will be no redemption and even future titles will continue to suffer due to the system of Battlefield 2042.

Battlefield 2042's player count on PC has gone below 1000, with the developers and players being at polarizing ends. While the players dislike the concept of specialists, EA still believes that the system has a future. As things stand, EA and DICE will have to walk on a delicate thread as any further damage could indeed lead to the end of the iconic Battlefield series.

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