Top 5 counters to Jinx in League of Legends

The best counters to Jinx that players should consider using (Image via League of Legends)
The best counters to Jinx that players should consider using (Image via League of Legends)

Jinx is one of the most popular ADCs available to players in League of Legends. The buffs she obtained back during pre-season 11 and changes to lethal tempo made her strong enough to remain at the top of the pack even until now.

She is one of the hypercarries who can get back into the game through just one successful teamfight, even after getting put down in lane. Therefore, most players are often scared of Jinx within the game. However, as with every champion, Jinx also has quite a few good counters who can shut her down very easily.

The issue regarding Jinx comes from the fact that once she gets a pick or an assist, her movement speed and attack speed increases rapidly. Therefore, it is important to ensure that she is unable to move after getting a kill.

Secondly, Jinx does not have a lot of range. Therefore, champions who can dispatch her from a distance will get an inherent advantage over her in fights.

Every counter to Jinx that players should consider using in League of Legends

1) Ziggs

Ziggs's massive range allows him to deal with Jinx effectively (Image via League of Legends)
Ziggs's massive range allows him to deal with Jinx effectively (Image via League of Legends)

Ziggs is a champion who was in the meta for quite some time back in 2021. However, he eventually got replaced by more traditional picks. Even today, though, he can be a pretty good counter to Jinx within the game.

This is simply due to the fact that Ziggs can continue to attack from range, making it difficult for Jinx to sustain in the lane. She will end up using all her health pots and will be forced to go back to base in almost all scenarios as staying healthy in a Ziggs lane is often problematic to pull off.

2) Sivir

Sivir is another champion whose range can be extremely problematic for Jinx (Image via League of Legends)
Sivir is another champion whose range can be extremely problematic for Jinx (Image via League of Legends)

Sivir is another off-meta champion who has quite the upper-hand over Jinx in the lane. Again, this is due to the simple fact that Sivir has a much bigger attacking range when compared to Jinx, which makes farming a bit difficult for the latter.

Other than that, Sivir usually builds lethality. This means that Jinx will often take more physical damage from Sivir's hit. Thus, even if somehow the former survives in the lane, later during team fights it will be very difficult for her to stay alive.

Finally, Sivir can also boost her movement speed momentarily, which will help her chase Jinx in case the latter tries to run away with low HP.

3) Jhin

Jhin's entire kit allows him to play very safe which makes it hard for Jinx to land a counter-play (Image via League of Legends)
Jhin's entire kit allows him to play very safe which makes it hard for Jinx to land a counter-play (Image via League of Legends)

Jhin is a champion who has always been known for his range and damage. While his ability to farm is slower than Jinx, his kit can be problematic for any champion who cannot farm from range.

Apart from that four-shot system that Jhin has, he can use his W ability to root champions in place. This root is not very hard to land and can often be an issue if there is a support like Pyke or Thresh pairing up with Jhin.

As such, they can chain root Jinx which will ensure that her laning phase is absolutely destroyed. Other than that, Jhin's long range ultimate is very hard to dodge and if Jinx tries to run with low HP, in most cases she would end up dead.

4) Vayne

Vayne mobility combined with her massive damage output is something that becomes hard for Jinx to deal with (Image via League of Legends)
Vayne mobility combined with her massive damage output is something that becomes hard for Jinx to deal with (Image via League of Legends)

Vayne might not have the long range as that of Jhin or Ziggs, but her kit sort of helps her tackle Jinx quite well. Firstly, Vayne can continuously reposition herself in fights using her Q.

Her W does extra damage upon hitting a champion three times in a row. Apart from that, her E can lock Jinx in one place, providing a free window of damage in any given situation.

Secondly, Vayne's ultimate allows her to continuously go invisible for a brief duration and deal damage, which honestly makes it harder for Jinx to keep track of the former.

Thus, Vayne can be a very efficient counter to Jinx in the current meta.

5) Xayah

Xayah is another champion who can root Jinx in place leading to a disadvantageous situation for the latter (Image via League of Legends)
Xayah is another champion who can root Jinx in place leading to a disadvantageous situation for the latter (Image via League of Legends)

Xayah is a champion who currently has everything that can deal with Jinx incredibly well in the current meta. She is another champion who has taken a preference towards lethality as of now.

Xayah does not have a lot of range (same as Jinx), but she has very good wave clear and a guaranteed root. The way she works is that Xayah will throw her feathers in front to deal damage.

Once she recalls them back, if all of them hit a champion, the latter gets rooted. Thus, whenever there is a 1v1 fight between Xayah and Jinx, in most cases the former will be able to land her roots effectively (due to the short range fights), which can cause major issues for the latter in League of Legends.

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