What are Warming Stones in Elden Ring and how to use them

Warming Stones healing bosses and allies (Image via MR Popo/YouTube)
Warming Stones healing bosses and allies (Image via MR Popo/YouTube)

There are a plethora of items for players to find, use, and craft in Elden Ring. Some have obscure properties, while others are more straightforward in their use. The utility of some items is immediately known, whereas a few need to be tested to understand their purpose.

For example, Elden Ring has an item called the Warming Stone. It can be found at several locations in the Lands Between. Players can even craft the item with the right crafting materials.

Its purpose, however, is simple. It creates an area of effect that heals everything around it. For support classes, these can be a cheap and effective use of Focus Points to heal allies.

Elden Ring: How to use and craft Warming Stones

Where to find the crafting materials to craft Warming Stones


To start crafting Warming Stones, you will need to acquire the cookbook with the item listed. This is mandatory, even if you already have the required crafting materials. The specific cookbook is the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook (19), located in the Woodfolk Ruins of Altus Plateau.

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With the cookbook acquired, three items are necessary to craft Warming Stones:

  • Erdleaf Flower (x1)
  • Smoldering Butterfly (x1)
  • Sanctuary Stone (x1)

Erdleaf Flowers are fairly abundant in the Lands Between of Elden Ring. They can be found in Limgrave, Weeping Peninsula, Stormgate, Liurnia of the Lakes, Callu Baptismal Church, and Church of Pilgrimage.


Smoldering Butterflies are also relatively easy to find. They’re located in Weeping Peninsula, Limgrave, and Liurnia of the Lakes. They flutter around the small, wooden braziers lining camps and castles.

As for Sanctuary Stones, Gnolls, Abnormal Stone Clusters, and Pumpkin Heads drop them. The Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold will sell them in exchange for the Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing (4). The bell bearing is located in Crumbling Farum Azula.

When’s the best time to use Warming Stones?


Since Warming Stones offer effective and low-cost healing, you may feel inclined to toss them whenever you or your allies take damage. However, the use of Warming Stones has to be more strategic than that, and being aware of your surroundings is vital. This is because Warming Stones also heal enemies, including bosses.

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Warming Stones don’t distinguish friend from foe. It will heal allies and Spirit Ashes, but enemies that stray too close will also feel its effect. The best time to use a Warming Stone is after creating distance between you and your enemy. Alternatively, a healthy ally can grab an enemy’s attention while others catch their breath and heal themselves.

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