Epic Games recently released Fortnite Reload, a one-of-a-kind game mode that allows you to revisit iconic locations from the game's earlier days and battle it out to be the last one standing. However, while the Reload mode is an exciting concept, it does come with its own mechanics, separate from normal Battle Royale, and knowing how the mode works can be key to securing the Victory Royale.
This article will break down how the new Reload mode works, explaining all the mechanics you can expect to see on your nostalgic trip back to parts of the Fortnite OG Chapter 1 map.
How does Fortnite Reload work?

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Fortnite Reload, much like other modes and experiences crafted by Epic Games, can be found through the Fortnite Discover menu under the "By Epic" section alongside regular Battle Royale modes. The Reload mode is available in both Battle Royale and Zero Build modes.
The first thing to keep in mind is that the Reload mode is a squad-based game mode, meaning you can team up with up to three others to jump into this experience. However, you can also go into the mode solo to take on a real challenge. Reload accommodates 40 players in a match, allowing 10 teams of four to participate in a particular session.
The Reload mode comes with its own unique Reboot mechanic, as once eliminated, you will be started on a timer; once that timer ends, you will be rebooted and brought back into the game. However, it is important to keep in mind that the Reboot functionality only works if at least one member of the squad is still alive. If all members of a team are eliminated, it's game over for the squad.

The Reboot timer for a player, at the beginning of a match, is 30 seconds. However, it can scale up to 40 seconds as the match goes on. The Fortnite Reload mode provides you with the ability to cut down on your teammates' Reboot timers by downing and eliminating enemies. As a match nears its end, the Reboot functionality will stop.

Since Fortnite Reload takes you back to the OG days, Epic Games has also reintroduced OG weapons like the OG Assault Rifle and the OG Heavy Shotgun to the mode's loot pool, providing one with the classic equipment to go with the classic themes of the Reload map. Given below are some of the items returning to the Reload mode:
- Revolver
- Tactical Shotgun
- Lever Action Shotgun
- OG Heavy Shotgun
- Tactical Submachine Gun
- Infantry Rifle
- Heavy Assault Rifle
- Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
- Rocket Launcher
- Grappler
If you get a Victory Royale in Fortnite Reload, you will be rewarded with a Victory Crown, much like regular Battle Royale and Zero Build game modes, with the crown functionality carrying over from those modes into the Reload mode.