6 Best Weight Training Exercises to Lose Fat & Get Toned Waist Muscles

Here are the best exercises to help you get a toned waist! (Image via unsplash/Sule Makaroglu)
Here are the best exercises to help you get a toned waist! (Image via unsplash/Sule Makaroglu)

Losing fat around your waist is one of the biggest challenges when trying to exercise and achieve a leaner body. If you have been doing cardio training and still can’t see any results, the problem may be that you are not incorporating enough weight training exercises into your routine.

We have compiled a list of 6 exercises that will help you get rid of belly fat while toning your waist muscles.

Squats and 5 Other Exercises For A Toned Waist

1) Seated row with a single grip

The single-grip seated row is a unilateral exercise, the primary purpose of which is to even out any muscular imbalances causing asymmetry. However, you can use this exercise to lose some extra fat by means of targeting your lower back. As the waist is directly below, the entire region gets worked during this movement, resulting in muscular hypertrophy in the respective areas.

Here's how to do this exercise:

  • Sit on a bench and hold the handle with both hands.
  • Keep your back straight and knees slightly bent.
  • Lean forward slightly, then pull the handle to your chest while keeping it close to your body. Do not bend or twist your body as you pull the handle; keep it close to your body throughout this exercise.


2) Bent over row

The bent-over row is a great exercise for the back muscles, and it isn't difficult to do. It can slim your waist down as it works on the back, bringing the problem area into focus, thereby increasing the number of calories burnt and resulting in a slimmer waist.

To do this exercise, follow these steps:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent.
  • Bend forward at the waist with your back straight and grasp the dumbbells with an underhand grip (palms facing you).
  • Keeping your arms straight and elbows tucked close to your sides, pull the weight up toward your stomach. Don't let any momentum from swinging enter into this movement; only use the proper form from start to finish!


3) T-bar row

T-bar rows are a fantastic exercise for developing a strong back, and they can also help you tone your waist. While not directly, this exercise still helps you get rid of stubborn waist fat and sculpt your physique.

Here is how you can do it:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Grasp the handles of a T-bar row machine and lift it off its supports.
  • Lean forward at the waist, bend your arms 90 degrees and hold them in line with your torso as you pull the weight towards you by bringing it to your hips (or as close as possible).
  • Slowly lower weight back down until arms are extended straight out from shoulders or slightly behind the body with palms facing down or up (depending on which exercise variation you’re performing). Repeat for specified reps and sets or for time


4) Squats

Squats are one of the best weight training exercises to lose fat and get toned waist muscles. It is a lower body exercise that works your legs, glutes, and lower back. Squats can be done with or without weights to increase intensity. You can use barbells, dumbbells, or kettlebells for this exercise. The key is to keep your balance while performing squats in order to avoid injury or falling over from fatigue during the workout regimen.

To do this exercise,

  • To do a squat, stand with your feet at shoulder-width and lower down until your glutes are parallel to the ground.
  • Push back up while keeping your back arched.
  • Repeat this movement for as many reps as you can and focus on establishing a strong mind-muscle connection with your quadriceps.


5) Straight arm pulldown

If you want to tone your back muscles and achieve that coveted V-shaped look, then the straight-arm pulldown is the exercise for you. This exercise will predominantly focus on the latissimus dorsi, however, training your lats can widen your back, firstly giving you the illusion of a slimmer, tapered waist. Following that, it will concentrate on your waist, resulting in more calories burned as a result of exercise. This will by default trigger fat loss throughout your body. Therefore, your body will look slimmer one way or another.

To do this exercise,

  • To perform this exercise, grab hold of a straight bar with an underhand grip (palms facing down).
  • Stand with legs shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent.
  • Pull the bar down until it touches your upper chest area.
  • Slowly raise the weight back up to starting position without locking out at either end of the movement. This should be one smooth controlled movement throughout.


6) Dumbbell side bend

The dumbbell side bend is a great exercise for the obliques. It is also beneficial in strengthening your core, making it a compound exercise. This exercise will definitely make your obliques thicker and denser, thus giving you an enviable toned waist.

  • Dumbbell side bends are good to do in the gym or at home.
  • Grab a pair of dumbbells and spread your legs out slightly.
  • Next, bend to one side as you keep the weights steady in your control.
  • Come back to the starting position and then repeat on the other side.
  • Repeat for reps.


These 6 exercises are great for toning the waistline and losing fat. They will help you to achieve the results that you want by building muscle and burning fat at the same time.

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