5 best ways to get maximum XP in Minecraft Java Edition

Experience orbs in the game (Image via Minecraft)
Experience orbs in the game (Image via Minecraft)

When killing mobs or completing specific tasks, Minecraft rewards its players with experience points or XP, by dropping green orbs. Players need to collect these to increase their total experience count. After a player has collected enough points, their experience level increases.

Each level of progress requires more experience points than the previous level. These levels are needed to enchant an item or repair it. Enchantments are effects that can be applied to tools and weapons using an enchanting table or anvil.

How to gain maximum experience points in Minecraft

5) Killing mobs

Zombie in the game (Image via Minecraft)
Zombie in the game (Image via Minecraft)

Mobs are living entities that can be found all around the world in the game. Most passive and neutral mobs will drop 1-3 experience points when killed by a player or a tamed wolf.

However, killing monster mobs like cave spiders and creepers will earn a player up to 15 points. Ender dragon is a boss mob that drops experience orbs worth 12,000 points upon death.

4) Breeding


Breeding is a fantastic feature in the game that players can use to multiply mobs and villagers. By breeding them, players can get up to seven experience points. Once the player has many mobs, they can kill a few and gain experience points from them as well.

3) Fishing


Using this feature, Minecrafters can obtain a lot of valuable items along with experience points. For fishing, players need to have a fishing rod and a water source. They can also create an AFK fishing farm to make quick work of this feature. It is recommended that players use the Unbreaking enchantment on their fishing rods before using it.

2) Trading

Librarians are one of the best traders (Image via Minecraft)
Librarians are one of the best traders (Image via Minecraft)

Players can trade with villagers that have taken a profession. To convert a regular villager into a trader, they need to place a job site block such as a lectern next to them. By trading, players can gain 3-6 experience points or 8-11 if the villager is willing to breed.

1) Creating XP farms


XP farms are structures that are designed to provide experience points to the player. There are plenty of designs on the internet that players can choose from. Enderman farm is one of the easiest XP mob farms to create in Minecraft that provides a lot of points. Zombie piglin farm offers the most experience when compared to any other farm.

Disclaimer: This article reflects the author's views.

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