Are cursed enchantments useless in Minecraft? Everything you need to know

Curse of Vanishing and Binding enchanted books (Image via Minecraft)
Curse of Vanishing and Binding enchanted books (Image via Minecraft)

There are tons of enchantments for Minecraft players to place on their weapons and other equipment in the game. Players can place enchantments on their items to make them stronger and much more durable.

Two enchantments that most Minecraft players aren't really fans of are the two curse enchantments. The curse enchantments are often called useless or pointless in Minecraft. The question is, are these enchantments really that bad, or are players just exaggerating?

In this article, players will learn if the curse enchantments are actually useless in Minecraft.

What are the two curse enchantments in Minecraft


Curse of Vanishing

Curse of Vanishing enchantemnt applied to a diamond sword (Image via Minecraft)
Curse of Vanishing enchantemnt applied to a diamond sword (Image via Minecraft)

Curse of Vanishing is one of the two curse enchantments that players can have in Minecraft. This enchantment allows players to curse an item so that when the player dies, the item will be forced to disappear instead of dropping.

This means that if a player dies near their spawn point, or if the player dies somewhere that their items are retrievable, they will not be able to get their item back because it will have disappeared upon death.

Placing this enchantment on an extremely rare item, or an item enchanted with other good enchantments, can be a huge headache. It is easy to die in Minecraft in the silliest ways, and once they do, any item with this enchantment applied to it will vanish, regardless of how rare and powerful the item is.

Curse of Binding

Curse of Binding applied to a carved pumpkin (Image via Minecraft)
Curse of Binding applied to a carved pumpkin (Image via Minecraft)

The Curse of Binding enchantment is the other curse enchantment that players can have in Minecraft. What this enchantment does is, once a player places an item that is enchanted with Curse of Binding in their armor slot, it cannot be removed until it is broken or the player dies.

For example, if the player were to enchant an iron chestplate with Curse of Binding and put it in the chestplate slot for armor in the inventory menu, the iron chestplate cannot be removed unless it is broken or the player dies.

If the player finds a better diamond enchanted chestplate, they will not be able to remove the iron one. This can be extremely annoying because it can take a while for iron armor to break in Minecraft, unless the player is taking a lot of damage.

It is also not a good option for players to get killed in the game, as they would lose their experience levels.

So, are they useless?

Player dies with the curse of vanishing enchantment applied (Image via Minecraft)
Player dies with the curse of vanishing enchantment applied (Image via Minecraft)

In conclusion, the Curse enchantments are pretty useless in Minecraft. They hurt the players more than they help them and they can be a literal curse. It is not recommended that players use these enchantments in survival at all.

The only way that the Curse of Vanishing would be helpful is if someone is trying to kill the player to steal their loot, or if they are playing in PvP modes to prevent other players from getting their weapons when they die and using it against them.

Curse of Binding can only be beneficial if players want to get a good laugh out of pranking their friends. Players can enchant carved pumpkins with Curse of Binding and trick their friends into putting it on to reduce their in-game vision.

Other than these two things, the curse enchantments are very annoying and pointless in Minecraft.

Note: The article reflects the views of the writer.

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