A nether portal on/off switch in Minecraft is a great mechanization process. It ensures your portal is properly maintained and prevents you from accidentally wandering into the nether region. Additionally, it adds to the functionality of your teleportation device and is a fun project to try if you are looking for new things to do.
Here's how you can make a nether portal on/off switch in Minecraft.
How to build a nether portal on/off switch in Minecraft
Building a nether portal on/off switch in Minecraft is an easy process and can be done within a few simple steps. Before you begin with the build, here are the resources you must collect:
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- Obsidian (according to personal size preference)
- Two Dispensers
- 10 stone bricks
- One Piston
- One Observer
- One lever
- Flint and Steel
- Water bucket
Once these resources are collected, follow the steps below to craft the nether portal on/off switch in Minecraft.
1) Build a nether portal

Build a nether portal if you do not have one already. You can easily craft one by placing four blocks of obsidian (by digging in the ground) and raising four columns each on both sides.
Make sure that your portal starts from the ground level since it makes it easier to build the nether portal on/off switch in Minecraft. Finish off by joining the two disconnected columns.
2) Place the dispensers

Next, place two dispensers next to each other, facing the front side of the portal (the side you wish to place the switch in). You can easily craft a dispenser using seven cobblestones, one bow, and redstone dust.
Once you have the dispensers ready, just place them next to each other and proceed to the next step of building a nether portal on/off switch.
3) Place the stone blocks
Place the stone blocks as shown above. These blocks will be the foundation upon which you will place the mechanism that will power and run the nether portal on/off switch in Minecraft.
You can use any stone blocks you wish as they have no particular effect on the properties of the items being used. Make sure to place them exactly as shown as the redstone circuit depends on the placement of these blocks.
4) Place the redstone trail
Next, place redstone dust on the block in the back. Then, place another block diagonally upwards.
Now, put a redstone torch on the new block. You can do this by following the exact process shown above.
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5) Place a piston on the block

Put a piston on the block on which you placed the redstone torch in the last step. Make sure the piston is facing outwards so that it can activate the observer, which will be placed next.
6) Place an observer on the piston

Next, place an observer on the extended piston. This will trigger the redstone mechanism based on the changes in the state of the portal. Make sure that the observer's face is towards the piston.
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7) Place the redstone connection
Now, place the redstone connection that will power and connect the grid. Place three stone blocks as shown above and lay redstone dust above it. Make sure to complete the grid or else the nether portal on/off switch will not work.
8) Place the lever

Place the lever on the obsidian block. It can be placed on either side, but the left side offers more functionality. Additionally, the tool can be placed at any height of choice.
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9) Load the dispensers

Now, load the dispensers with two specific items. Place the flint and steel on the left dispenser. On the right side, place your bucket of water.
Make sure to get the order correct or your nether portal on/off switch will work in an inverted manner and make it confusing to use.
10) Activate the lever and use the portal
Activate the lever by interacting with it. If you have followed all the steps correctly, your portal should activate easily.
You can now use the nether portal on/off switch in Minecraft as and when required.
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