How to prevent axolotls from despawning in Minecraft

(Image via PCGamesN)
(Image via PCGamesN)

Axolotls are one of the new mobs that were added to Minecraft during the 1.17 update. Players got to see a sneak peak of these mobs during the beta before the 1.17 update was fully released.

Axolotls are mobs that are passive towards players, however, they are not passive towards other underwater mobs. Axolotls will attack other underwater mobs, and are considered hostile towards other mobs in general.

Axolotls can come in five different colors. These colors include: pink, brown, yellow, cyan, and if the player gets lucky, a rare blue one can spawn. Axolotls can be bred using buckets of tropical fish.

Axolotls will spawn underground in Minecraft, in water that is below sea level (below Y=63). They will spawn in groups of 1-4, can spawn at any light level, and sometimes, players may see them playing dead to regenerate health.

These mobs can't be tamed. Unlike wolves and other mobs in Minecraft, axolotls will not be able to follow the player around and become a trustworthy companion. However, players can attach leads to the mobs to attract them.

Axolotls would be a nice pet for players to keep in a water body around their house. The question is, how can the player keep the mob and prevent it from being despawned.

In this article, players will learn how to keep axolotls from despawning in Minecraft!

How to keep axolotls from being despawned in Minecraft


Releasing them from a Bucket

(Image via bugs.mojang)
(Image via bugs.mojang)

If players want to keep the axolotls from despawning, all they will need to do is pick them up in a bucket and release them. The mobs will not be despawned when they are re-spawned from a bucket.

Players can make a bucket using three iron ingots. Players should place the axolotls inside a body of water when releasing them.

What can the axolotl give the player?

(Image via PcGamer)
(Image via PcGamer)

Axolotls cannot be tamed in Minecraft, but they can help the player out. When the player assists the axolotl in defeating an attacking mob, the axolotl will show its appreciation to the player by granting them with two rewards.

Axolotls will remove mining fatigue from players, and they will also grant the player with regeneration l for a limited time. Regeneration is an effect that will restore the player's health over time.

The player will also unlock "The Healing Power of Friendship" achievement for teaming up with an axolotl and being successful in the fight.

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