How to put out a campfire in Minecraft 1.19 update

Campfires can be extinguished (Image via OMGCraft on YouTube)
Campfires can be extinguished (Image via OMGCraft on YouTube)

Campfires were first introduced to Minecraft in the 1.14 Village & Pillage Update. The block is mostly used for decorative purposes, though it does harm anyone who walks or stands on it. For that reason, it might be a good idea to put the campfire out at one point or another.

These blocks are excellent sources of light, as they have the highest light level in the game at 15. However, they do smoke, so players should keep them in the open air.

Ideal for accentuating the exterior of one's base, players can also use campfires to ward off hostile mobs and make their homes look more welcoming.


With that being said, these blocks can also be put out and used as decorative items in multiple ways. Here's an in-depth guide on campfires in the latest version of Minecraft.

Minecraft campfire: A complete guide in version 1.19

Currently, there are three different ways to extinguish a campfire. However, none of them involves putting a block over it.

The first way is to use a shovel. This tool can be utilized to make paths by "using" them on a grass block. However, this same function is ideal for extinguishing the campfire. Simply "using" the shovel on it will stamp out the fire.

The second method is to use a water bucket, but there is a caveat. Ordinarily, flowing water would put out a flame, but in this case, it has to be placed on the same block.

Extinguished campfires have no flame (Image via Jira Minecraft)
Extinguished campfires have no flame (Image via Jira Minecraft)

Known as waterlogging the campfire, this remains the only way to extinguish one using a water bucket.

The third and final way to extinguish the campfire is to use a splash water bottle. These can be made by putting water bottles into a brewing stand, with gunpowder serving as the brewing ingredient.

They can subsequently be thrown at the campfire to put out the flames. It should be noted that campfires cannot be lit again after being extinguished. Players who want fire again later will have to craft another one.

Fortunately, the items required for a campfire are not terribly difficult to obtain:

  • One stick
  • One coal or charcoal piece
  • Three stripped logs of wood or stripped wood. However, they have to be of the same kind.

Once crafted, it can be placed down and will burn indefinitely. Despite water being used to put out the fire in other ways, rain has no effect on a Minecraft campfire.


Minecraft players can use it as decoration or as a strong source of light. Additionally, campfires are one of the alternative methods to cooking raw food.

In that regard, four raw food items can be placed on a campfire for cooking. Players can collect them off the logs once they are finished. This method doesn't require coal, so it is advantageous for Minecraft gamers.

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