Minecraft allows players to either spend their time killing hostile mobs and mine for rare materials and items or just hang the sword, pick up farming tools, and grow crops and farm animals. However, the game's major appeal comes from the mods developed by the game’s community. These add different content, functionality, and mechanics to the game, sometimes completely transforming it.
A player who goes by Lumnati on Reddit shared a short video clip on the Minecraft subreddit, showcasing a mod they developed that added realistic, dangerous sea waves along with thunderstorms. While the clip is from the game, it looks unique due to the realistic nature of the water.
Reacting to this impressive mod, user No_Signature_502 commented:
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"Is bro playing Sea of thieves or Minecraft"
Sea of Thieves is a game where players play as pirates and loot things. u/anon7689g said that they would not even try to run this mod on their PC. This is true as the amount of calculations needed for the physics simulation is too large for even medium-powered computers.
The original poster mentioned what mods they were using in the video clip. The list includes Valkyrien Skies, Eureka, Sodium, and Physics Mod Pro along with the Bliss and Iris shaders for the visual improvements. All the mods and shaders are free except for the Physics Mod Pro.
u/NYCHReddit asked the original poster what the specifications of their PC was. The OP said that they had a PC with the Ryzen 7 5800x, RTX 3070 graphics card, 32 GB DDR4 RAM, and 1 TB of SSD. This makes their PC quite powerful in handling all these mods.

User pablo603 said that this video makes them want to do a pirate playthrough while user hey_you_yeah_me used a pun on the game Sea of Thieves, calling the video clip Sea of Craft. User checkmate01 said that this is gorgeous and they would love to recreate a scene from the movie Life of Pie.

Minecraft mods make the game interesting

Perhaps the most important reason why Minecraft has managed to stay relevant for more than 15 years is the presence of mods. Recently, another player shared a video showing how they made a copper mace with the ability to turn it into a charged mace, making it more powerful and more accessible at the same time. Countless other mods make the game so much more fun.
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