How to summon Killer Bunny in Minecraft 

The Killer Bunny in Minecraft (Image via Minecraft)
The Killer Bunny in Minecraft (Image via Minecraft)

Bunnies are passive mobs in Minecraft. They drop loot and will run away from players who get too close. That may be the case for all bunnies now, but it wasn't always like this. Once, there was the Killer Bunny. The Killer Bunny was a hostile mob that was marked by a couple of specific features. First, it was always a white bunny. Bunnies are of several different colors in Minecraft, but the Killer Bunny was always white. Second, it had red and horizontal eyes, unlike other rabbits. This bunny is no longer in the game, but it can be summoned.

The summon command is good for calling forth any mob that is allowed in the game. The only mobs that aren't available on all platforms are the Giant Zombie and the Killer Bunny, which are Java exclusives. Here's how to summon the Killer Bunny in Minecraft.

Summoning the Killer Bunny in Minecraft

The syntax for using the summon command is "/summon <entityType: EntityType> <nameTag: string> [spawnPos: x y z]". This can be a bit complicated, but the position tags aren't completely necessary. It can be used to set the exact spawn location, but it isn't always required.

Summoning the Killer Bunny involves summoning a rabbit with certain specifications: "/summon rabbit ~ ~ ~ {RabbitType:99}" is the syntax for this command. The Killer Bunny is designated as type 99 in Minecraft. It will appear with the corresponding name tag applied and will immediately become hostile.

The Killer Bunny was once an in-game mob (Image via Minecraft)
The Killer Bunny was once an in-game mob (Image via Minecraft)

The Killer Bunny will be hostile to players, foxes and wolves. It will hop toward players within a 16-block radius at a speed greater than a normal rabbit. If it manages to close in on a player, it will deal four hearts of damage on normal difficulty. The Killer Bunny will retreat upon being hit but will return shortly to attack. It is immune to the Thorns enchantment. If no players are in range, it will go after other mobs, even tamed wolves.

Unlike other hostile mobs, a peaceful setting will not cause it to despawn. It will, however, cease attacking mobs and players. Just like other rabbits, it will follow players holding carrots and it can even be bred.

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