New World Aeternum has a wealth of new content, but getting to it swiftly requires using the Recall or Fast Travel system. Thankfully, the system in place is a solid one, but it’s not free. Like other MMOs, such as Elder Scrolls Online and Final Fantasy 14, players cannot simply fast-travel at any time without cost. There’s only one real exception to that rule, but it requires controlling the Restless Shores Fort.
While having and using a mount is great in New World Aeternum, the fastest mode of travel is using the Recall system. If you want to take advantage of this, we’re here to help you reach where you’re going as fast as possible.
How to use the Recall / Fast Travel feature in New World Aeternum

Unfortunately, you can’t just open your map and fast-travel in New World Aeternum as you could in Elder Scrolls Online or activate an ability in Final Fantasy 14. Instead, you must explore the map until you come across the various Fast Travel Shrines. You need more than one, though, since you use these as connecting travel points.
Once you’ve explored the map and found a few Fast Travel Shrines, you can start using them to Recall in New World Aeternum. Just approach one of these locations in the game world and interact with it.
You’ll have a map pop up, where you can select any of the other Fast Travel Shrines you’ve found. This does have a cost, though - 10 Azoth. It costs 20 Azoth if you’re leaving the region you’re already in, so keep that in mind. It’s not hard to get Azoth, though. Moreover, if your faction controls the Restless Shores fort, you can fast-travel in your territory for free.
You can farm it by mining ore, chopping down trees, and defeating enemies. If you don’t want to waste resources, you have one other fast travel method in this game - using an Inn! When you visit an Inn in the game, you can check in there. This acts as your “home location”, much like using Hearthstone in World of Warcraft.
You can use this every fifteen minutes, but you can only pick one home location at a time. With careful planning and a bit of exploration, you can use these to your advantage to teleport to important locations.
Check out our other New World Aeternum guides and features:
- How to set up a camp in New World Aeternum
- New World Aeternum Fishing guide: How to get bait and fish
- What’s the Max Level in New World Aeternum?