The Polcirkeln Sapphire Ring is a build-specific ring in Path of Exile 2 (PoE 2). Despite its mediocre stats, it is coveted by players who use Herald of Ice, which causes frozen enemies to explode when shattered, dealing cold damage to surrounding foes and causing a chain reaction. This Unique Ring is incredible for mid- to high-level mapping, as it can blow up groups of enemies at a time using the Herald of Ice. It is especially useful in a breach, where there are a lot of enemies bunched up together.
While bossing, it's best to swap the Polcirkeln Sapphire Ring with any other rare ring that has higher damage and resistance stats.
This article discusses the Polcirkeln Sapphire Ring, its level requirements, effects, and how to get it.
How to get Polcirkeln Unique Ring in Path of Exile 2
From random drops

The Polcirkeln Sapphire Ring has a chance to drop randomly from the enemies you defeat while mapping in Path of Exile 2. It can be easily obtained in Act 1 due to its lower level requirement (Level 12).
Do note that you might have a better chance of getting the ring if you farm locations with a higher monster level than its level requirement.
By using an Orb of Chance

You can also get the Polcirkeln Unique Ring by using an Orb of Chance on a normal item. If you are looking for a specific type, make sure that the normal item matches the type of the unique one you want.
You must use the Orb of Chance on a white-rarity (affixless) Sapphire Ring. The odds of it turning into Polcirkeln are 15%, according to the Path of Exile ladder. On average, that means only one out of seven chancing attempts will be successful.
Other than the Orb of Chance outright destroying the Sapphire Ring, there's also a 10% chance of getting the Whisper of the Brotherhood Unique Ring and a very low (0.05%) chance of getting the Dream Fragments Unique Ring out of the process.
Purchasing from Trade Market
The Path of Exile 2 trading market is available on the game's official website. It can be used to purchase items in exchange for different currencies available to you.
What is the unique effect of Polcirkeln Unique Ring in Path of Exile 2?

The Polciekeln Unique ring gives a little bit of cold resistance and cold damage, mana, and some additional strength. This ring can be acquired quite easily from enemy drops in Act 1.
Here are the detailed stats of the ring:
- +(20-30)% to Cold Resistance (20-30)% increased Cold Damage
- +(40-60) to maximum Mana
- +(10-15) to Strength
- Enemies Chilled by your Hits can be Shattered as though Frozen.
The Polcirkeln Unique ring doesn't seem special at first glance. However, the stats are not its strength — it is popular due to its unique ability to shatter chilled enemies without the need to freeze them. With its low-level requirement, it can easily be acquired early on and used till mid to late-game maps.
Polcirkeln Unique Ring use case, and how to build around it
'Enemies Chilled by your Hits can be Shattered as though Frozen' — in-game description of the Ring's effects.
The above stat is the key to creating a build around the Polcirkeln Unique Ring in Path of Exile 2. Although the uses for this ring are limited, it is often used by Herald of Ice users to cause a chain reaction while fighting through hordes of enemies.
While Herald of Ice users can shatter a frozen enemy, the Polcirkeln Unique Ring allows them to shatter chilled ones as well, causing an explosion and dealing extra ice damage to nearby enemies. This ice damage chills nearby enemies and kills them if the stats are high enough.
Weapons with high physical as well as elemental damage are a must. For additional affixes, it’s better to get increased critical damage and critical chance. It's also a good practice to add life/mana leech or mana on kill since you will be killing a lot of enemies at once.
Do note that wearing any gloves with the Mana on kill stat will help you sustain the mana while using this build.
Unfortunately, the Polcirkeln is not beneficial for a "Cold Snap" build, as that skill gem checks whether the enemy is frozen. Polcirkeln can only shatter chilled enemies — it does not convert a chill ailment into a freeze ailment in the process.
The Polcirkeln Sapphire Ring is a fantastic ring that destroys lots of enemies with minimal effort. Hence, even though it is a lot of fun to play around with, I won't be surprised if it gets nerfed with the full release of Path of Exile 2.
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