Who is Ben Starr? Voice actor from Warframe 1999 and other endeavors, explored

Arthur from Warframe 1999, Ben Starr, and Clive from Final Fantasy 16
Warframe 1999 and Whispers in the Walls will include voice talent from Final Fantasy XVI and Baldur's Gate 3 (Image via Digital Extremes)

Hollywood stars becoming headliners of AAA games has recently become commonplace. Idris Alba, for example, will likely be the vote of familiarity in the 'best performances' award for this year's The Game Awards. On the flip side, the gaming industry can sometimes play a major role in an actor's commercial success.

For Bristol-born actor Ben Starr, the latter gambit came true. On a fateful Friday afternoon, Ben was the last person up for the casting call for a minor character in the English localization of a Japanese game - a gig he thought he'd skip earlier that day.

His deep voice instantly gripped the attention of the vocal director, who then proceeded to screen him for a quick side-read. As fate would have it, the actor went on to be selected for the role of the game's protagonist.

Unbeknownst to Ben at the time, the role was that of Clive from Final Fantasy 16, an unforgettable performance universally praised as part of the game's success.

Ben Starr, voice talent for Clive from Final Fantasy 16, will play Arthur in Warframe 1999 and Whispers in the Walls

Ben Starr has been part of several popular TV productions, including recurring roles in Dickensian on BBC One and the NBC Universal production Jamestown. However, his acclaimed performance as Clive mythologized his image within the gaming community.

Also a nominee for best performer in the upcoming The Game Awards 2024, Ben Starr has caught the interest of many talent scouts in the AAA gaming scene. His wish to voice Raziel in a Legacy of Kain reboot remains a pipe dream, although his next role will be pivotal for the game that it is in.

Ben Starr will be the voice of Arthur, a potentially playable character in Warframe 1999. Coming next year, the game marks the popular MMO-lite's latest cinematic arc, taking players back to a Y2K era.

Not only is it a huge shift of setting from its sci-fi space futurism, but it will also explore the foundational lore of the Warframe universe. Arthur will likely be the first of many 'vessels.' Not much is currently known about this Kalashnikov-wielding mercenary other than his obvious connection to the poster-boy Warframe Excalibur.

Arthur will also appear briefly in Warframe's soon-to-release December 2023 update, Whispers in the Walls, the prologue to set the scene for the events of Warframe 1999.

Other than Ben Starr, also joining the Whispers in the Wells cast is Neil Newbon, better known as Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3. At the moment, all that's known about Neil's role is the character's name, Fibonacci. More details will be out during the game's panel on The Game Awards, so stay tuned.

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