WoW Cataclysm Classic’s PTR is adding something fresh for players: Elemental Rune Dungeons. Available on the 4.4.1 PTR, players can now give this new system a try. Although optional, it will reward them with a currency that can help them gear up, and even better, unlock some rare, hard-to-get mounts from the Cataclysm expansion.
This is available for most dungeons in the Cataclysm expansion, with notable exceptions being Zul’Aman and Zul’Gurub. Since both dungeons already have enhanced, powerful equipment to pick up, it appears there is no need to improve on them.
This article discusses what you can get from the Elemental Rune Dungeons in WoW Cataclysm Classic.
What do Elemental Rune Dungeons offer players in WoW Cataclysm Classic?

Consider Elemental Rune Dungeons a form of hard mode in WoW Cataclysm Classic. Enabling this system gives enemies in the dungeon a buff, Fury of the Firelord, to increase their overall health and damage. At the start of a dungeon, one will see an elemental, and all five players will have to channel on it to activate Protocol Inferno and trigger this new hard mode.
On the PTR, only one player has to trigger it, though. It’s also worth noting that you can do this with the dungeon finder. If you queue in Group Finder for Elemental Rune Dungeons, you won’t have to channel for it at the start - the Protocol Inferno will already be active upon your arrival. However, before you try to use Group Finder, you need to be at least Item Level 346.
Defeating bosses in these Elemental Rune Dungeons in WoW Cataclysm Classic will grant each player two Fissure Stone Fragments. If you defeat every boss in a dungeon, the final boss will drop three of these fragments, which you can take to Kyanite Stonetender, a new NPC in both Orgrimmar and Stormwind.
You can purchase Normal Tier 11 Helm and Shoulder tokens here, as well as satchels that drop all non-weapon drops from Heroic Throne of the Four Winds. However, they may also drop non-weapon Heroic Nefarian drops, all non-weapon Sinestra drops, and Heroic versions of several trinkets, including:
- Bell of Enraging Resonance
- Heart of Rage
- Symbiotic Worm
If that weren’t enough, several mounts could drop in these satchels, which is usually the case in Cataclysm dungeons like The Vortex Pinnacle:
- Reins of the Drake of the North Wind
- Reins of the Vitreous Stone Drake
- Reins of the Drake of the South Wind
There will also be achievements to unlock. The purpose of this being on the PTR is so that players can test the dungeons, and Blizzard Entertainment can find the perfect difficulty for them when patch 4.4.1 ultimately drops. These Elemental Rune Dungeons are available now on the PTR in WoW Cataclysm Classic.
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