Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl have a patch planned for Day 1 that will allow trainers to catch legendaries from other generations.
Of course, trainers could already count on catching Dialga or Palkia depending on which game they select. Other Generation IV legendaries like the Lake Trio and Heatran should also be making appearances. Most games in the Pokemon series feature special mechanics where trainers can get other legendaries not native to the region. The same appears to be true in the Generation IV remakes.
Many Legendary Pokemon to be found in new area in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
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Throughout the Day 1 update, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl players will be able to catch many different Legendary Pokemon. Trainers can do this by visiting Ramanas Park, a new area that will be unlocked once they beat the Elite Four.
Inside Ramanas Park will be a series of pedestals. Trainers can insert slates into these pedestals to unlock an encounter with the corresponding legendary Pokemon.
While details on these slates are scarce, trainers will likely be picking these up throughout their journey.
Some images of the slates have been revealed. As a fun little tribute to Pokemon history, the game developers made each slate in the shape of the game where each legendary was introduced. For example, the slate for Rayquaza resembles a green GBA cartridge.

The location of Ramanas Park in the Sinnoh region is also yet to be revealed at this point. It is very likely, however, that this will take the place of the old Pal Park. In the original Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, the Pal Park was a location where trainers could import Pokemon from the GBA games into Generation IV.
The Pal Park was found at the end of Route 221. Trainers could get there by heading to Sandgem Town and surfing on the water to the South. This would be a good place to check for Ramanas Park in the remakes, after trainers get into the Hall of Fame.
Several legendary Pokemon were revealed to be accessed through Ramanas Park in a recent trailer. While many more will likely be in the game, these are the legendary Pokemon that have been revealed at the moment:
- Articuno
- Zapdos
- Moltres
- Mew
- Entei
- Raikou
- Suicune
- Lugia
- Ho-oh
- Rayquaza
- Jirachi
While all the mechanics are yet to be understood, players can look forward to encountering Legendaries in a somewhat new way in the Brilliant Diamond and Shining Peal games.
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