Pokemon GO's new Shared Skies season is finally here. With it comes the first event of the season, Stadium Sights. This event aims to bring more attention to some of the underappreciated Flying-types the franchise has to offer, with the big draw being the debut of Shiny Emolga. However, some players have their sights set on another monster set to make an appearance: Staravia.
Being the middle stage of the Starly evolutionary line, many players have fond memories of Staravia if they played any of the main series games taking place in the Sinnoh or Kalos regions. As such, many players want to add one to their Pokemon GO collection or may be daring enough to go through the steps of acquiring its shiny variant. With that said, we will discuss how to find Staravia in Pokemon GO.
How to find Staravia in Pokemon GO?

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According to the official Pokemon GO website, Staravia is a common spawn during the Stadium Sights event. However, players may still get unlucky with their spawn chances and may not find one right away. If this happens, there are some precautions players can take.
Incenses and Lure Modules can be great items for hunters to have on standby. Incenses attach to the player's avatar and work to increase the general spawn rate around them as long as they remain active. Lure Modules are very similar, but attach to gyms and Pokestops and do not require players to be mobile to receive their benefits.
Additionally, the game's weather boost feature also works to greatly increase the spawn rate of monsters of a certain element under specific weather conditions. Since Staravia is a Normal and Flying-type, and most of the other creatures that spawn during the event are Flying as well, players will have the best luck of finding one if they hunt in partly cloudy weather.
How to get Shiny Staravia in Pokemon GO?

Some players may feel the call to hunt for Staravia's shiny form in Pokemon GO. Thankfully, they can do so, but it requires some additional steps to be taken. Shiny Staravia cannot spawn in the wild, so they will not spawn during the Stadium Sights event. However, they can still obtain one if they are lucky enough to find a Shiny Starly.
Since Starly is not listed as a common spawn during the event, it may be a bit hard to find as of writing. However, it will have the chance to appear in its shiny variant, unlike its first evolution. With this in mind, players will also need enough candies to evolve their new Shiny Starly into Staravia. Thankfully, this only costs 25 candies, so it should not be hard to grind with enough Pinap Berries.
While it is unfortunate that they are not easy to find at the moment, Shiny Staravia is still a very achievable goal with enough time and dedication.
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