The second half of Pokemon GO's traditional Adventure Week event has been invaded by Team GO Rocket during the Adventure Week: Taken Over event. Starting on August 8th, players will notice an increase in Team Rocket activities, as that is when the event is set to begin. With this in mind, players will want to know how they can prepare for the event the best they can.
With so much content to dive into, many players will want to make sure they see it all in the four days they have until the end of the event. Here is everything to know about what to expect from the upcoming Adventure Week: Taken Over event in Pokemon GO.
Preparing for Pokemon GO's Adventure Week: Taken Over

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
The main event for a lot of Team Rocket Takeover events is the new Shadow Legendary Pokemon added to Giovanni's battling party. This rendition of the event brings Shadow Cresselia into the mobile title. To access a battle against Giovanni, players will need a Super Rocket Radar, which can be received by completing the special research given to all players when the event begins.
In addition to Shadow Cresselia, Shadow Timburr, Archen, and Tirtouga have been added to the game with Adventure Week: Taken Over. These creatures can be encountered by challenging Team GO Rocket grunts in hot air balloons or at Rocket-controlled Pokestops, with Timburr having the most potential of the bunch due to Conkeldurr benefiting greatly from the Shadow Boost.
Shadow Lugia will also be making a comeback on August 10th as a temporary Shadow Raid Boss for the day. Much like Cresselia, Lugia is a defensive Pokemon that not many players use for competitive play due to the Shadow Boost taking away from their best quality.
Nonetheless, players will want to stock up on Raid Passes if they want to challenge and catch Shadow Lugia. These passes can be purchased from the shop for 195 Pokecoins. One pass can be found for free daily by spinning the photo disk at gym locations.

Shadow variants of Shieldon and Cranidos will be available through One-Star Raid Battles as well. While Shadow Shieldon may not be particularly useful, Cranidos evolves into Rampardos, a potent Rock-type glass cannon for Raid Battles. Shadow Vibrava will be available as a Three-Star Raid Boss as well, which evolves into Shadow Flygon, a decent attacker for Pokemon GO's Battle League.
Players will also want to be on the lookout for field research tasks tied to the event. Some of these tasks can give out valuable rewards like Mysterious Components and both kinds of TMs. Additionally, during the event's duration, Shadow Pokemon can have TMs used on them to forget Frustration, a very weak charged attack that every Shadow Pokemon is forced to have in most cases upon capture.
With this in mind, trainers will want to spin as many Pokestops as they can as they play Pokemon GO. This will grant them more field research tasks, which in turn gives them more chances at these premium rewards.
For more information on Pokemon GO events, check out our other articles:
- 5 must-catch Shadow Pokemon to find during Adventure Week: Taken Over
- 5 best candidates for August 2024's Community Day Classic
- Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour schedule
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