5 common mistakes beginners make in Valorant

Neon from Valorant Episode 5 cinematic (Image via Riot Games)
Neon from Valorant Episode 5 cinematic. (Image via Riot Games)

Valorant aims to attract novice gamers through its vibrant and distinctive design in the tactical first-person shooting genre. Despite being only three years old, the game’s ongoing expansion of maps and agents can pose a significant challenge for beginners due to the sheer volume of content. While the game itself may be fast-paced, there are several focal points that can help initiate your journey in Valorant.

This article will offer some easy-to-fix beginner mistakes that you should be aware of to gain an advantage the next time you hop in the game. Without further ado, let's jump right in.

Here are five mistakes that beginners should avoid in Valorant

1) Buying guns every round


After losing the pistol round, it's best to avoid upgrading weapons and abilities. Instead, utilize leftover abilities from the previous round and get the free Classic pistol. After winning the first two rounds of a half, the third round for the winning team is the "bonus round".

Upgrading weapons in this round risks your credit advantage, especially if you already have weapons that are not as strong as the Vandal or Phantom. Valorant provides a loss bonus capped at 2900 credits to the losing team. During this phase, it's wise to go for a save round, spending down to the 3300 credits available for the next round.

2) Using Agent abilities in open


Valorant has agents with distinct abilities designed to give you an advantage in a round. While some abilities, such as Chamber's Rendezvous, provide instant protection, many agent abilities have a windup phase. This phase involves completing a specific animation sequence before you can use the ability.

Beginners often find themselves overwhelmed by their abilities, which can leave them exposed, making them easy targets for enemies. As a beginner, you must ensure to have either cleared all potential enemy areas nearby or taken cover in a secure location before using your ability.

3) Holding or peeking angles without intention


Valorant is a complex game and beginners might struggle with keeping track of in-game activities and details. Newcomers often judge aiming by reacting to surprises, causing unfavorable results.

Focusing on unexpected targets can lead to bad results, like poor crosshair placement. Instead, focus on effectively clearing an area while anticipating the presence of an enemy. Before peeking or holding angles, ask these three questions to yourself:

  1. Is an aim duel necessary now?
  2. Do I have a suitable weapon?
  3. How many enemies might I face?

4) Filling agent roles


Duelists play aggressively, Initiators gather info, Controllers restrict sight lines, and Sentinels support defense and cover flank. While you can play all roles, mastering one is vital.

Beginners often fill in unpicked roles, sacrificing comfort. While having a good team composition might be good for the outcome, comfort matters most for a newcomer to gradually understand the game. Novices can learn a specific role by observing professional streamers.

5) Site management on defense


Valorant features maps with two or three bomb sites and a middle area. During defense rounds, beginners should take notice of agent synergy in their current team composition and use the mini-map for favorable defensive positioning.

Understand your role and choose a suitable site to defend. Pairing roles can enhance defense, like Duelist with Initiator for early map control. In eco rounds, stacking a site compensates for weaker weapons, but spreading out to defend both sides is usually better.

As a beginner, you should take a balanced approach to improve at Valorant, prioritize consistent aim practice, learn maps inside out, analyze your gameplay to identify and rectify mistakes, study professional players' tactics and adapt them to your playstyle, and remain patient and dedicated as improvement takes time.

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