5 WWE Superstars Who Are Playboys in real Life

Space mountain may be the oldest ride....but it has the longest line!


Clean and sober....but still loves the ladies!

Scott Hall has been connected to rumors of a less than modest lifestyle, dating as far back as his AWAY days, back when he rocked the porn star mustache.

During his Razor Ramon era, Scott was oozing in mucho machismo and the ladies loved the Bad Guy. Stories of Scott delivering the razors’ edge to ladies worldwide, have been around since his epic SummerSlam ladder match.

Once his popularity hit its peak, Scotty had more women on his arm than sense, and as a result, Hall endured several failed marriages. All of Scott's former wives have stated at one time or another that he just couldn't remain faithful.

Thanks to Diamond Dallas Page, Scott has been able to get sober and clean, which is a huge deal, especially considering how bad he was. However, a sober life doesn't mean Hall has given up on the ladies.

He's now become a virtual playboy. All you have to do, is look at his twitter feed.

You'll never be able to take the bad out of THE bad guy.

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