WWE Monday Night Raw: 4 August, 2014 - Superstar Ratings

With SummerSlam just two weeks away, the WWE seemed to be pulling all the chords in the latest edition on Raw. Building on the momentum that they gained last week, Stephanie McMahon and Brie Bella ended up headlining the show which once again showed how WWE regards this angle.Elsewhere, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose got the better of the Authority with two impressive wins that sets them well heading into the summers biggest party.WWE chose to confine theBrock LesnarJohn Cena feud to a mere video package due to the commitments that both superstars had other than the show.The sad part of the show however was the midcard as it showed no life whatsoever. AJ Lees injury took the Divas Division out of the picture as well meaning that WWE should start working on their entire roster rather than sticking to the top. With all that said, here is a look at the Superstar Ratings for this week.

#15 Diego 4

There is no hint whatsoever as to where the WWE is taking the angle involving Fandango, Summer Rae and Layla. Diego reaped the benefits of Fandango’s losing streak once again and came out with a win. The two divas in daisy duke were the only other thing that the fans could enjoy from the match.

#14 Stardust and Goldust 4.5

The longest running feud in the WWE between the Rhodes Brothers and Rybaxel continued this week with the former tag champions coming out on top again. This will be good if the company is planning to push Goldust and Stardust as tag title contenders; else, it is a match that would go down in vain.

#13 Bo Dallas 5

The inspirational Superstar was back to avenge last week’s defeat against R-Truth and did just that. Post-match angle that the company had prepared added more edge to his character which has no glory at the moment after he had to cheat to defeat Truth.

#12 Cesaro 5.5

From being a potential WWE champion to a glorified jobber, Cesaro’s drop over the past couple of months has been monumental. He had nothing more to do than letting Ziggler win fair and square on Monday night and it is sad to see such a talented name being wasted like this.

#11 Rusev 5.5

Rusev got his jobber win this week when he overcame Sin Cara. The rating however is for the upper hand he got against Jack Swagger. This levels the game as we head closer to SummerSlam and Rusev will now be looking to build on this.

#10 Seth Rollins 6

Mr. Money in the Bank looked strong alongside the Authority as usual but suffered his first defeat since break up of the Shield. Rollins is now at the mercy of Ambrose when it comes to SummerSlam and losing against Heath Slater didn’t do any good either for the architect.

#9 Wyatt Family 6

Using repetitive booking is something that the company should try avoiding when it comes to the Wyatt Family as it is taking away all the aura and purpose of the trio. It was just another been there, done that scenario for the creepy guys on Raw which cost them dearly.

#8 Brie Bella 6

Brie’s limitations in acting were there to be seen at the main event this week. Though the ruthless attack against Nikki was supposed to make her emotional, it barely did. However, Hunter and Stephanie carried the whole segment pretty well and so masked Brie’s shortcomings.

#7 Heath Slater 6.5

The one man rock band had the luxury of sharing the limelight with Rollins this week and came out with one of the biggest surprises in recent history. Slater without any doubt deserved the win he got as he has been busting his rear for the company for a long time now.

#6 Chris Jericho 6.5

Jericho picked up another win which leveled the numbers before SummerSlam when the human highlight reel would go one on one against Bray Wyatt. The match however was disappointing to the core as both the superstars could have delivered much more.

#5 Dolph Ziggler 6.5

Ziggler finally seems to be getting his fair share of spotlight in the company after he established himself as the number one contender for the Intercontinental championship. This means that he will be having a match at SummerSlam with the possibility of getting some gold around his waist.

#4 Kane 7

For someone who has been wrestling at the top level for more than two decades, Kane exceeded expectations on Raw. Though he is far from his prime, the big red monster did everything he could to put over Reigns and all those efforts were spot on.

#3 Dean Ambrose - 7.5

The Lunatic Fringe has the upper hand of choosing the stipulation for his SummerSlam match against Seth Rollins after he dispatched Alberto Del Rio in a beat the clock match. He also haunted Rollins as usual thus rounding up a good week.

#2 Stephanie McMahon 8

Stephanie was at her best once again as she closed the show hyping her match against Brie at SummerSlam. The boss’s daughter getting physical was something that the fans didn’t see coming and this has raised the intensity of the feud to a new level.

#1 Roman Reigns 8

Reigns delivered another marquee performance this week and continued his ascent to the top. The last man standing match helped Reigns get the entire spotlight he needed before SummerSlam and the reaction he got from the WWE Universe suggested that he is here to stay for a long time.

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