5 WWE matches we deserve to see on PPV in 2016

Baron Corbin is going from strength to strength

2015 was actually a fine year for the WWE, at least from an in-ring perspective, with many PPV level bouts being given away on television.Some of those matches include John Cena and Cesaro's epic 30 minute battle for the U.S. Title on the July 6th episode of RAW, Seth Rollins defending the WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Neville in August, an absolutely thrilling contest between Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler with the Intercontinental Title on the line one night removed from Wrestlemania and an awesome Triple Threat match between Cesaro, Kevin Owens and Rusev amongst many more.Whilst these matches were awesome to see, just imagine how much better they might have been with a proper build and a grander stage than Monday Night RAW to work on.Here are 5 WWE matches the fans deserve to see on a PPV event in 2016:

#1 Baron Corbin vs Chris Jericho

Baron Corbin is going from strength to strength

NXT stars have recently had a habit, upon leaving Full Sail University for the main WWE roster, that they're not booked quite as effectively, and end up in pointless feuds and matches that stall their momentum.

Baron Corbin is ready to make the step up in 2016 after finally shaking off his reputation as a lumbering big man who can only do squash matches, instead forging one as a powerful giant, much improved in the ring.

Chris Jericho would be the perfect opponent for Corbin, as in recent years he has history of working excellent programmes with younger, up and coming wrestlers.

Jericho has still got it, as proven in his match with Kevin Owens last year, and a match against Corbin on a PPV would both give the fans a potential fantastic match plus an opportunity for Corbin to show he can deliver against a big-time opponent on a big stage.

An event like Payback or Battleground would be perfect for this one.

#2 The Usos vs Luke Harper and Shinsuke Nakamura

Jimmy and Jey Uso both deliver a top rope splash to the prone Luke Harper

This one may seem strange on just about every level, but bear with me. Luke Harper is absolutely one of the best big men in WWE, and his talent is currently being wasted in a Wyatt Family that seems to be going nowhere.

Exciting to watch in the ring, he would be the perfect partner for Shinsuke Nakamura. For those of you unaware of Nakamura, he is currently the IWGP Intercontinental Champion over in Japan, having just defeated AJ Styles to retain this crown, and is widely considered one of the best wrestlers in the world.

Should Nakamura somehow find himself in WWE this year (admittedly very unlikely at best), the tag team division would benefit massively from his star power, and Harper would be elevated simply by working with him.

The Usos have long been one of WWE's top tag teams, with an exciting style and excellent team work, making them the epitome of the modern tag team.

A match like this, with a good enough story behind it, could very easily elevate all four men, as there's no chance they'll fail to deliver anything other than a superb match.

With or without the WWE Tag Team Championships involved, Summerslam would be a worthy host of this match.

#3 Finn Balor vs Apollo Crews (NXT Championship)

These guys have collided before with gold on the line,

The story of this match writes itself. Crews faced Balor for the NXT Championship on the November 4th episode of NXT, tearing the house down with a genuinely thrilling 11-minute match that could have gone either way before the fans were cruelly denied a legitimate finish to the match when Baron Corbin hit the ring and laid waste to both men.

Crews hasn't had another crack at Balor since, and must feel he deserves another shot at the title. Both men are among the very best in-ring workers the company has, and a rematch between the pair is something everyone would love to see.

Finn Balor is more than likely to step up to the main roster this year, and a great time to do so would be the night after Wrestlemania, making either the pre-show of Wrestlemania 32 or the NXT TakeOver: Dallas event on the same weekend the perfect destination for Balor vs Crews Round II.

#4 Kevin Owens vs Cesaro

Cesaro confronts Owens before his classic US Title match with Cena from July 2015

Okay, so Owens and Cesaro faced each other many times on TV in 2015, and even had a match at Summerslam, with Owens coming out victorious. But come on, these guys are both incredible, who wouldn't want to see them go at it again?

A feud with Owens would instantly give Cesaro something hot to do, something the fans will really get invested in, once the Swiss Superman returns from his injury. Sometimes there just really doesn't need to be a massive story behind a match, if the participants have a strong strong enough character and are capable of putting on a great match.

Kevin Owens could trash talk an empty bottle of Pepsi into fighting him, whilst Cesaro can do things in the ring that nobody else in WWE can; these two factors can only point towards a fantastic match.

Any PPV would be suitable, and maybe throw in something like a 2-out-of-3 falls stipulation or the #1 contendership for a title being on the line and you have the makings of a classic.

#5 Seth Rollins vs Dolph Ziggler (Intercontinental Championship)

Rollins and Ziggler have been pretty evenly matched in past encounters, never failing to steal the show

When Seth Rollins was injured and had to forfeit the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, he was at the top of his game, the champion and the future of the company. When he returns from that injury, Roman Reigns will be surely filling that spot.

Rather than rush Rollins back into the main event scene, have him do some work with the Intercontinental Title. WWE seems to be more happy to let main event talent win midcard championships in recent times, with Daniel Bryan and John Cena and holding the Intercontinental and US Titles respectively last year.

There would be nobody better for Rollins to work with than Ziggler, who seems to just get better and better as the years go on. Their small rivalry in 2014 showed just how amazing Rollins v Ziggler can be, no better demonstrated than their battle in the incredible closing sequence of Team Cena v Team Authority at Survivor Series that year.

Let the two go at each other once more at Survivor Series, and It really wouldn't matter which of the two goes in with the title or who leaves with it. Let the fans see them collide once more and watch them both remind us why they're both two of the best wrestlers of the modern WWE era

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