WWE SmackDown Results, February 25th 2019, Latest SmackDown Live winners and video highlights

A huge night for WWE fans as the prodigal son returned
A huge night for WWE fans as the prodigal son returned

The show kicked off with Daniel Bryan, Rowan and the McMahon siblings, Shane and Stephanie in the ring. Shane gave us a small recap of Kofi's 11 years with the company and the New Day made their entrance. The signing for the WWE title match was about to begin when Mr. McMahon's music hit and he came out and congratulated Kofi before replacing him with a 'more deserving' and 'more qualified' Superstar, Kevin Owens. Kevin Owens made his return to WWE and The New Day were furious while the crowd chanted 'Kofi' and the McMahon siblings looked on.


Backstage, Shane and Stephanie cornered KO and we found out that even they were not told about the change in the signing. KO demanded a match against Bryan and Rowan with Kofi as his partner and the McMahons agreed.

The Bar vs. The Hardy Boyz

The Bar put up a great fight but was taken out by the veterans
The Bar put up a great fight but was taken out by the veterans

The Hardys were together once again as Matt Hardy walked out with Jeff for the first time in almost two years. Jeff Hardy was being isolated in the corner by The Bar, but he fought back and hit the Whisper in the wind. Matt Hardy was willing his brother on for the tag.

Both Sheamus and Jeff Hardy managed to tag their partners in and Matt Hardy was decimating the former champion. He got ready for the Twist Of Fate but Cesaro pushed him and let Sheamus take a cheap shot while going for a roll-up.

Matt kicked out and The Bar got ready to finish him, but Jeff came back on time and hit a Twist of Fate on Cesaro. Matt Hardy then hit a Twist of Fate on Sheamus and Jeff Hardy finished things with a Swanton Bomb.

Result: The Hardy Boyz def. The Bar


Backstage, Ricochet and Aleister Balck were fantasizing about facing the returning Hardys. Lana showed up behind them and said they were 'nothing special'. She said Rusev will crush them but Ricochet replied 'he can't crush what he can't catch'.


R Truth came out and put forward an open challenge for the US title to honour his hero, John Cena. Andrade replied and Rey Mysterio came out shortly after to attack him. Truth was confused about what to do but decided to face both of them in a triple threat match.

R-Truth (c) vs. Andrade vs. Rey Mysterio - Triple Threat match for the United States Title

Truth proved everyone wrong by retaining his title against two Superstars
Truth proved everyone wrong by retaining his title against two Superstars

The action began and the two luchadors wasted no time. They took each other out, with Mysterio getting the better of the exchange. R-Truth was taken out and Andrade fought back. Andrade got taken down by a Hurricanrana from the top of R-Truth's shoulders. Truth elbowed Mysterio and they took each other out with cross-bodies.

Truth lifted Andrade up and Zelina Vega tried to interject. Carmella took her out. Andrade took Truth out of the ring and went right after Mysterio, without realizing that Mysterio was waiting for him. R-Truth managed to get in the ring on time and roll-up Mysterio for the win.

Result: R-Truth def. Rey Mysterio & Andrade to retain the United States title



Charlotte Flair addresses the WWE Universe

She says it’s almost as important as when The Chairman anointed her to “save the main event of WrestleMania” against Ronda Rousey.

The Queen, Charlotte Flair came out and proclaimed herself to be the Gold standard of WWE. She said she would never lay down the title the way Ronda Rousey did. Charlotte said Vince was right in bringing back Kevin Owens, just like how he was right in getting her to replace Becky Lynch in the main event of WrestleMania.

Charlotte added that both Ronda and Becky fear her and fear does irrational things: Becky fears that Charlotte will expose her for the fraud she is and Ronda Rousey fears she will suffer the same fate as Survivor Series.

Charlotte announced that she will go to RAW next week and claim her throne as RAW Women's Champion while the crowd chanted for Becky but 'The Man' was nowhere to be seen.


Up next was Aleister Black & Ricochet vs. Rusev & Nakamura in a tag team bout.

Ricochet & Aleister Black vs. Rusev & Shinsuke Nakamura

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Aleister Black and Nakamura went right at it and Nakamura taunted Black. Black responded and sat in his meditative pose. He quickly tagged Ricochet in, and Nakamura caught him before tagging Rusev in.

The duo started the beatdown on Ricochet and Nakamura soon got tagged back in. He kneed the ribs of Ricochet and the quick tag happened again.

After the break, Rusev was in control of Aleister Black with a bear hug. After he escaped, Ricochet was tagged in and he took control, hitting a standing moonsault. Ricochet hit Nakamura with an elbow. He tagged Black in and sent Rusev outside. Ricochet hit an over-the-top rope dive. Nakamura almost finished Aleister Black with a Kinshasa but took a Black Mass instead for the three-count.

Result: Aleister Black & Ricochet def. Nakamura and Rusev


Backstage, AJ Styles was being interviewed when Randy Orton showed up and they had a tense moment.

Kofi Kingston & Kevin Owens vs. Daniel Bryan & Rowan

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Rowan and Kofi kicked us off and KO looked to be a little rusty at first but retaliated until he was taken down by a huge dropkick. Daniel Bryan came in with a tag and KO took him to the corner before tagging in Kofi. A huge strike from Kofi sent Daniel flying and KO was tagged in as he unloaded on Bryan.

KO went up top and hit a dropkick and a senton while fighting back Rowan on the apron. KO hit the cannonball and a pop-up powerbomb but failed to put Bryan away. Rowan sent KO over the announce table and Kofi sent him into the ring post and hit an elbow drop from up top. KO dodged a knee strike in the ring and hit a stunner before getting the three pin.

Result: Kevin Owens & Kofi Kingston def. Daniel Bryan & Rowan


Vince Russo answers who killed WCW HERE

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