WWE SmackDown Results: July 9th, 2019 Video Highlights, Grades, Winners for latest SmackDown Live

What an explosive episode
What an explosive episode

SmackDown Live kicked off with a small video package that showed Kevin Owens and Dolph Ziggler arriving at the venue. The two broke out in a brawl in the parking lot and had to be broken apart by security and Shane McMahon.

Kevin Owens was told to go home as Shane said that the match between Ziggler and Owens was not going to happen. Owens' lip was busted open in the carnage.

Kevin Owens appeared out of the crowd to kick things off; he did not go home! KO said that he had a lot to say and that the McMahon family had said that they would give fans the power, but only Shane McMahon has the power and no one wants that.

Shane McMahon came out and gave the order to cut his microphone off. Owens grabbed another microphone and Shane McMahon went to the sound technician and cut him off again. Owens grabbed the commentator's mic and started to insult Shane before security came out and chased Owens out of the stadium.

Segment rating: A

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Finn Balor

The fight started off as Nakamura hit a Sunset Flip, but Balor countered with a Dropkick. Balor heated things up as he dropped Nakamura and hit an elbow on his throat for a near-fall. Nakamura caught Balor on the corner and hit a Sliding German Suplex. He lined up the Kinshasa, but Balor hit the Slingblade. Balor went to the top rope, but Nakamura stops him.

The action spilled to the outside and Nakamura was able to line up and hit the Kinshasa on Balor. Balor finally managed to get in the ring, but Nakamura threw him out again. He decimated Balor on the outside, but Balor got into the ring again. Nakamura hit a Kinshasa and got the pinfall.

Results: Shinsuke Nakamura def. Finn Balor

Match rating: A

Backstage, Dolph Ziggler thanked Shane McMahon for throwing Owens out. Shane said that he can do them a favor by taking on Roman Reigns in the main event of the night.

Samoa Joe was backstage and had a message for Kofi Kingston before their match.

Nikki Cross and Bayley were out for the Extreme Rules contract signing for the SmackDown Women's title but Alexa was nowhere to be seen. Bayley said Nikki was Alexa's lapdog while Nikki retorted that all of Bayley's friends abandoned her so she didn't know what it was like to support a friend and should stay and watch her match with Carmella that was next.

Nikki Cross vs. Carmella

Cross had grounded Carmella and was controlling the match early. She grabbed Carmella by the hair and punched her across the face. Carmella dodged a crossbody and clotheslined Nikki to the floor, taking her to the corner. She hit Nikki with the Bronco Buster and then rolled Cross up for the near fall.

Nikki Cross kicked out and hit the Spinning Neckbreaker instead, winning the match.

Results: Nikki Cross def. Carmella

Match rating: B

The Kabuki warriors were outside the IIconics dressing room and Paige wanted to schedule a title match for her clients which they earned in Japan. The champs said they were sick and had to reschedule but Paige called them annoying clowns and slapped Kay, saying they will figure out the conditions of the match later.

Roman Reigns was being interviewed backstage and said he was ready for Ziggler. He even made an Undertaker reference during the interview.

The New Day were out next and said that on Sunday, all three of them will touch their titles when Daniel Bryan and Rowan came out. Woods and E taunted Rowan and the crowd joined in. Bryan deflected the insults and complimented the New Day but called them a midcard comedy act. He then went to insult Heavy Machinery who came out and challenged them to a triple threat match right then and there.

Otis Dozovich vs. Xavier Woods vs. Daniel Bryan

Bryan left the ring as soon as the match began. He returned to the match soon after when Otis hit a double vertical suplex to both opponents and Rowan tried to interfere. Tucker and E came to stop Rowan and all three of them were sent backstage by the referee.

Woods was wailing on Bryan when we returned and hit a missile dropkick for a two-count. Otis hit the caterpillar on Bryan and Woods sent the champ out. Otis hit the world's strongest fall and got the win.

Result: Otis Dozovich def. Xavier Woods & Daniel Bryan

Match rating: B

Backstage, Mandy Rose and Sonya DeVille challenged Ember Moon to a tag team match but she has to find a tag partner first.

Ali was onscreen, talking about seeing evil as a police officer. It came off as a little cheesy but that's nothing new for WWE.

Aleister Black was being interviewed and his mystery challenger revealed himself to be Cesaro in a suit.

Shelton Benjamin was being asked random things again. He still hasn't regained his power of speech it looked like.

Still backstage, Kofi was confident in his match against Samoa Joe on Sunday.

Roman Reigns vs. Dolph Ziggler

Shane McMahon walked out with Drew and Elias before the match started. Ziggler took control early and hit clotheslines in the coner but was met with a right hook from th Big Dog. Ziggler ate a drive-by next and Elias and Drew interfered, McIntyre sending Reigns into the ringpost.

Dolph regained control following the distraction and even got a near fall. Ziggler hit a neckbreaker for a another near fall before locking in a submission. Reigns hit the Samoan drop before Elias came in the ring. Reigns sent Elias out but took a neckbreaker in the process. Reigns hit the Superman Punch but Ziggler kicked out.

Drew dragged Ziggler out of the ring and Reigns flew over the ropes. Ziggler hit a superkick and Kevin Owens came in with a Stunner on Shane who was in the ring.

Reigns hit a spear in the confusion and got the win.

Result: Roman Reigns def. Dolph Ziggler

Match rating: A

Episode rating: A

The episode slowed in the middle but managed to make the finish exciting for this go-home show.

An unexpected name just challenged Randy Orton RIGHT HERE.